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This apartment is located in the house of the Stalin era, built according to traditional architectural canons. And it was the classical style of the interior that allowed to harmoniously reveal, and in some places hide the geometric features of this space.

Passing the gallery

A photo: Eugene Kulibaba

Text: Elena Efremova

Project author: Sergey Sobolev, Kirill Kochetov, Ilya Shulgin

Magazine: de Luxe Classic N2 2016

This apartment is located in the house of the Stalin era, built according to traditional architectural canons. And it was the classical style of the interior that allowed to harmoniously reveal, and in some places hide the geometric features of this space.

Houses with a history have a special atmosphere, for which they are valued, but in order to create an interior for modern and comfortable life, a special approach is needed. For architects, work on the project began with careful dismantling. Though he complicated the whole process, but he guaranteed the accuracy of design decisions. Unexpected discoveries in the form of niches and cavities, beams and projections quite significantly influenced the interior. For each room, very painstaking work was carried out, which in the old house is significantly complicated by the difficult geometry of the original spaces and the inability to drastically change the layout. The existing zoning and location of the rooms was preserved, with the exception of the combination of the kitchen and living room into one room. In the interiors of this level and this style the main work is in the details. For each zone, several layout options were worked out, which were discussed and agreed with the customers. “Our work on the project went very quickly, in the same breath. We easily found mutual understanding with customers. Most of the time was spent on the design of joinery: it was necessary to take into account many nuances and make difficult decisions to link individual modules into a complete interior, ”says Ilya Shulgin.

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