Designer Stefan Parmentier (Stéphane Parmentier, b. 1966) began as a stylist in the fashion industry. In the 1980s and 90s he worked for Karl Lagerfeld, Lanvin, Givenchy, Montana, and then launched his own ready-to-wear line. After that, as it often happens with fashion designers, he has mastered a new field - he became interested in interior design, subject design, and in 2000 he founded his own design bureau.
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Since then, Parmentier has designed many apartments and mansions from Paris to Miami, which are mainly equipped with furniture of his own design. He himself calls his style "a mixture of false simplicity and calm luxury", and critics and glossy magazines admire his "purely French elegance." Stefan’s record includes collaboration with Hermès, Orange and Ormond Editions, as well as Singapore Airlines, for which he designed business class showrooms.

В конце 2010 года Стефан выпустил с Ormond Editions обширную коллекцию Altaïr — табуреты, столы, консоли были созданы в красивом камне (базальте, мраморе, сланце) на контрасте между простотой и изысканностью. С 2011 по 2016 год Парментье работал Interior & Design Editor отдела «Дом» парижского универмага Le Printemps, перепозиционировав его в место для первоклассного шопинга, где можно выбрать дизайнерские предметы интерьера. В марте 2012 его пригласил Hermès для того, чтобы придумать сценографию pop-up магазина на Rue de Sèvres в Париже.

At the same time, Parmantier began working with Christofle, a brand of opposites, according to Parmentier, in which tradition and modernity coexist. These were a variety of projects, including new boutiques in London, Singapore, Shanghai, Milan, Miami, Lyon, Los Angeles, Tokyo and others. From 2013 to April 2016, Cefan Parmantier became the creative director of Christofle, while continuing to lead the design he created -the Bureau.

In April 2015, in partnership with Petit h (Hermès) and Wallpaper * magazine, Stefan Parmantier presented a unique project in Milan. He created the Mercury collection: items combining first-class material quality (patina lava, marble) and sophisticated craftsmanship in the form of perforation and marquetry techniques.

Сегодня Парментье занят проектами по декору стола для Vista Alegre, хрусталя для Atlantis и керамики для Bordallo. На выставке maison&objet в январе 2018 подтвердил свой безупречный вкус в коллекции кожаных аксессуаров, консолей и столов для итальянского бренда GioBagnara.
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“I love black, I have black curtains,” says Stefan, “a black velvet sofa, black vintage armchairs Imzov and a small coffee table Mangiarotti of 1971 in marble. My last purchase was the Sarfati pendant lamp, I bought it from Nakaniwa. The most unusual thing in my house is a sculpture of my friend, Jerome Tristan. He has no gallery, and his work can be seen only from friends who buy it. Most of all I like to spend time in bed. This is my pleasant harbor at the beginning and at the end of the day. From the window with a see a beautiful piece of sky with clouds and airplanes. Everything is very graphic, but balanced by materials: white bedding, headboard in black. There is an industrial photograph and a bit of “hot” painting ... There are almost no doors in my apartment, except for the bedroom and the toilet. ”