Red and white

Premium-class wines

Passing the gallery

Lead headings: Alexey Ustinov

A photo: - from the archives of the press services

Magazine: N10 (132) 2008

There are pieces of furniture, more than others talking about the status of the owner. Not antique, not those that are purely aesthetic functions. We are talking about functional and useful things in practice. About wine shops. Their presence is simply necessary for the interior to be complete.

Choosing a wine collection for yourself is no less delicate than choosing the wine itself. Collectible. Or whiskey. When you decide on the most favorite drinks. When your taste, in fact, formed and managed to settle. Wine cellar appears in the house when a person becomes a connoisseur of a drink, when an aesthetic (and critical) approach is fundamental for him. And it is very true: wine cellar and wine storage equipment are things that require knowledge and preparation.

It is necessary to proceed, in fact, from art to taste and consume expensive drinks. If you are an adherent of collectibles, like to keep some copies for special occasions, you cannot do without wine storage equipment. If you just like to drink a glass of wine after work, you can find in our review an option when everything you need is directly accessible. Although, in principle, it is better to choose both options.

Wine coolers. Take a closer look at them: the shelves can be made of wood, it is very beautiful, practical. Let there be several chambers with different temperatures for different sorts of wine. There are models that provide complete immobility of the bottles. Pay attention to the ventilation system, to the possibility of maintaining the temperature at the same level. Well and the last: on office where it is possible to store open bottles. Useful!