Solar powered garden lights

garden lightsToday, on the garden plots, there are all lights or lamps that run on solar batteries. Gardeners boldly apply them in landscape design and in the form of additional lighting of individual sections of the garden. Solar lamps should be used in situations where it is not possible to conduct electric lighting or arrange it economically unprofitable.


  • 1 How are solar powered lanterns?
  • 2 Main characteristics of garden solar lamps
  • 3 The advantages of solar garden lamps
  • 4 Установка и эксплуатация садовых solar lights

How are solar powered lights?

The following can be distinguished in solar lamps items:

  • Lanterns to givestorage battery;
  • LED semiconductor, который излучает видимый свет, когда по нему проходит electricity;
  • electric battery;
  • light sensor;
  • chip (microprocessor or transistor) - controls the glow of the LED, depending on the voltage and turns it off when the battery is discharged to a certain level;
  • photo element - turns on the lamp and converts the energy of light into electrical energy.

UV solar cell produces electricity and charges them with a battery, which, in turn, in the dark, feeds the LED.

When the battery is fully charged, solar lights work 8 ocloc'k. And the work of the lamp does not depend on weather conditions, because ultraviolet penetrates through the clouds. Only in late autumn the battery of the flashlight cannot be fully charged. This is due to the fact that the light day becomes shorter. Even in such conditions, the lamps will work, though a little less.

Основные характеристики садовых solar lights

Solar lamps can be combined into three groups according to the following characteristics:

  1. Features of design and construction. They, in turn, are divided into:
    • BALL. They are made in the form of columns and are a spectacular element in the garden design;
    • built in steps stairs;
    • used by to illuminate reservoirs. Such lamps are immersed in water;
    • used in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds. In the daytime the lamps merge with the plants, and with the onset of darkness they emphasize the flower arrangements;
    • used by для подсветки detached trees. The trunk of a tree, enveloped in the twilight by a directional beam of light, will look very impressive and unusual.
  2. Garden lightingQualitative characteristics. Фотоэлемент, используемый в солнечных светильниках, изготавливается из кремния, а точнее из его модификаций. Традиционно используется поликристаллический кремний. Он по качеству значительно уступает монокристаллическому кремнию, т. к. эта модификация химического элемента при первом контакте с воздушной средой покрывается оксидной пленкой. Она защищает photo element от воздействия окружающей среды.
  3. Glass surface:
    • smooth glass reflects most direct light and about half scattered rays;
    • structured glass collects diffusely scattered radiation;
    • tempered glass possesses best qualities.

The advantages of solar garden lamps

  • Solar lampsautonomy - each lantern be installed anywhere on the garden plot;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • economy - do not consume electricity;
  • easy installation;
  • reliability - batteries are protected from ingress of dirt, moisture and dust, so they can be installed near the reservoir and in the far parts of the garden;
  • variety of forms and performance styles of garden lights can be used as a decoration area;
  • purchase of additional equipment or components is not required;
  • long term service.

disadvantages garden solar lamps:

  • required clean up for the wintersince they do not have a battery protected from low temperatures (except for garden lights);
  • lamp during charging it is desirable to install so that direct sunlight falls on it;
  • more suitable for decorative lighting;
  • lamps enough are expensive.

Установка и эксплуатация садовых solar lights

Installing garden lights is very simple. To install on a flat surface, you must use lamps with a special leg. If the lamp leg is made in the form peg, then it is stuck into the ground. In the solid soil, you first need to dig a hole, then put a lantern in it and carefully tamp the ground from all sides. Do not use a hammer and brute force. The lamp from this will break.

Via solar lights can highlight:

  • Lantern Solargarden paths;
  • terrain features;
  • steps on the stairs;
  • a recreation area (for example, a gazebo, a playground);
  • reservoirs;
  • flower beds and flower beds, trees and shrubs, plant compositions;
  • alpine slide;
  • driveway alley

Уход за светильниками заключается в том, чтобы периодически вытирать с них пыль, удалять грязь и clean up for the winter в дом. Несмотря на то, что солнечные светильники very reliable, может возникнуть необходимость их починки. Сначала required проверить уровень заряда солнечной батареи и только потом включать. Если лампочка не включается, необходимо проверить на исправность аккумулятор. Для этого следует зайти в затемненное помещение и проверить места пайки. При обнаружении поврежденного проводка его нужно припаять, используя холодную сварку. Если результаты ремонта отсутствуют или они незначительны, необходимо произвести замену солнечной батареи.

Solar garden lights can be a great alternative to electric lighting in remote areas of the garden. A variety of shapes, colors, sizes allows you to use them in landscape design. Made in the form of figures of dwarves or animals, they are excellent will complement the alpine slide. At night, such lamps not only emphasize the beautiful corners of the garden. Highlighting the stairs, you can climb or descend the stairs without fear of falling. Lanterns can be arranged in groups or randomly. Which way to choose depends only on the preferences of the site owner.