apartment with a total area of 170 m2 Irina Mavrodieva, Arthur Gogh
Passing the gallery
A photo: Dmitry Livshits
Interview prepared: Nadezhda Nadimova
Stylist: Alexey Onishchenko
Architect: Irina Mavrodieva, Arthur Gogh
Magazine: N10 (88) 2004
Asymmetrical large and small volumes: cylinders, prisms, cones, dynamic planes cutting into each other, complexly interacting colors and textures ... How this project was born, resembling the experiences of the pictorial avant-garde of the early XX century, says one of the authors of the project, architect Irina Mavrodieva The space of the apartment is entirely consistent with the taste of the owners. According to their ideas, housing should be spacious, free, not overloaded with objects and decor. All the premises of the public zone were presented to them as a conglomerate of spaces freely flowing into each other. Proceeding from this, a central cylindrical volume was invented (it includes the living room and the hall, rather conventionally separated by a decorative partition), in which the kitchen, the dining room and the entrance hall open in numerous openings. Only the bedroom and the nursery were traditionally isolated. Flat style uses the language of the simplest geometric shapes. Difficult wanted to make only their (forms) interaction. The planes of the walls, suspended ceilings, shelves and niches are stratified everywhere, crushed, cut into or duplicate each other many times. Somewhere it is close to the aesthetics of cubism in its volumetric-spatial version ... The color scheme, like everything else, is the choice of the owners. Few people in the interior want to see bright, clear tones. Mostly people are divided into two groups. Some prefer gray as the defining color, others beige. We, by mutual agreement, decided to complicate everything, to make the two palettes interpenetrating, mixing gray and ocher, warm and cold, rich and transparent. In this apartment, the texture in importance is in second place after the form. Certain colors and shades correspond to their own texture. On the walls of rough surfaces with the addition of silver and mother of pearl are replaced by matte smooth. Plus metal, glass and gloss black horizontal planes (table tops, window sills, fragments of the floor), giving a game of reflections and highlights. Light is a good means of changing the atmosphere. Depending on the mood of the owners, you can leave only a point light or dim overall, which highlights the contours of objects, or, say, only decorative lamps. And you can, again, mix. After all, an apartment, like a person, is a complex world of changeable moods, where there is no black and white - only glare, half shade, half tone. " Irina Mavrodieva: "I think it turned out to be a comfortable apartment, good and respectable. It looks like a young, successful person: a good external form and an elaborate costume."