From 26 to 29 April, the 23rd annual exhibition Proposte took place in the Italian town of Cernobbio.

Magazine: Click (207) 2015
Lake Como in the north of Italy is densely strewn along the banks with rural settlements and small towns, as we would say in Russian. There is nothing better than to start or complete a business trip to Milan, having traveled for half a day to one of the cities on Como. Even better, visit Russian or Italian friends, on time and by the way acquired there villa. As in any Italian place, even if tiny, the “district” art gallery (where you probably will be alone among the visitors) keeps canvases of at least the masters of the school of Giotto or Fra Angelico. You can see the same as well as other painters in a couple of dozen churches, each of which deserves a visit. Italy! And on every street you will meet a shop with a sign Seta - "Silk". Komovsky silk is different from its counterparts and is famous among connoisseurs for its special softness, subtlety and transparency. And still noble blurred ornaments and color combinations. It is nowadays all the settlements on Como and the adjacent Alpine slopes and valleys have become the elite resort area of world fame. And once weavers settled around a mountain lake. The region has long been associated with the production of textiles.
The annual exhibition of interior fabrics Proposte (in translation - “Offers”) changed dates and was first held in the last days of April. In the town of Cernobbio, the Erba villa (or the Visconti villa, as locals call it more often) is better to go by boat: while sailing and see the ancient shores from the water, the programs of cultural memory are loaded and the aesthetics of this exhibition is loaded — no doubt , one of the most beautiful in the world. The specificity of the exhibition is that buyers are large textile brands, lawmakers of interior fashion. The owners and art directors come, as a rule, and they purchase entire collections for exclusive rights. There are, of course, private dealers, and simply sellers of fabrics in multi-brand stores, including Russians. The exhibition is the most important in the inter-textile world, and here you can see the patterns, fabrics and textures that will be on the cutting edge of fashion even this season. The most "well-born" factories from Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, France and Belgium — this is not a complete list of participating countries.
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