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house with a total area of ​​2042 m2

Passing the gallery

Text: Julia Sakharova

A photo: Elena Greres

Architect: Shamil Nasyrov

Main architector: Temur Tokhtaev

Chief designer: Elena Greres

Project Manager: Juliet Muchak

Magazine: N1 (145) 2010

Private residence in Almaty is an example of a modern palace, the architecture of which combines a variety of styles. It seems that the authors of the project chose all the most luxurious that was created by the interior art, brought it together, strengthened it somewhat - and this is what happened

Architect Project Manager Juliet Muchak remembers that this big one is more than 2000 sq. m. m - and a complex object turned out to be so successfully implemented thanks to relations with customers, for which at that time the architects of VERSAL CONSTRUCTION have already made several other objects. There was trust, there was mutual understanding - conditions that you especially appreciate if you have to work in a difficult eclectic genre. And it was not something artificially invented, this style was due to many.

The first is the fact that customers spend a lot of time in Europe, and they wanted in their Almaty house to see the palace interior, built on the basis of classical European styles. (And different, after all, the palace, usually inhabited by generations, keeps traces of several epochs.) The second is the composition of the family — the parents and three already sufficiently adult children, each of whom has his own idea of ​​his private space. The authors of the project proposed an "Oriental" reading of European styles, from which, it seems, everything that was most luxurious was taken.

Many of the famous palaces illustrate the fact that luxury can be set off with luxury, and sometimes it can look very, very artistic. In this case, a variety of means are good - from contrast to analogy, and this fact once again confirms this house-residence.

The universal color is black, the Impressionists considered, because it sets off and makes all the colors of the palette brighter. In this interior, the universal color is golden. They set off blue, blue, pink, green, red, white. Gold emphasizes different materials - natural wood, marble, forging, multicolor stained glass glass. The molded decor in the front part of the house is covered with gold in its entirety.

But there are other contrasts here. So, in the parents' bedroom there are courtly-style sofas and armchairs. Louis XV стоят на ярком восточном ковре с характерным жестким узором. Кажется, несочетаемые вещи, но здесь они сочетаются, причем эффектно. Возможно, потому, что цвет ковра поддержан цветом штор. Или потому, что в большой - 55 квадратных метров - спальне нужны яркие акценты, визуально собирающие помещение... Комната сына, решенная в очень насыщенном узорчатом восточном стиле, красиво контрастирует с «европейскими» спальнями дочерей, и особенно с «белой» спальней. Архитектор вспоминает, что отправной точкой в декоре этой комнаты стал стиль дизайнеров известного фэшн-бренда VIKTOR&ROLF. Дочь хозяев попросила сделать что-то похожее. Но идея в процессе работы претерпела изменения, и спальня в итоге стала скорее классической, нежели авангардной. Интересно, как в этом интерьере использован прием аналогии, похожести материалов: мрамор, точь-в-точь как буазери из полированного дерева; мраморная мозаика на полу, похожая на маркетри; наборный паркет, по изяществу орнамента не уступающий мебели из ценных пород дерева... Прием аналогии играет тут объединяющую роль. Но еще более важную роль в объединении разных по характеру элементов интерьера играет планировка дома. Подчеркнуто классическая, с симметричным расположением комнат относительно холла, она воспринимается как красивая классическая рама для яркого, необычного интерьера.

Project author Juliet Muchak: “This house was created by us from scratch. The project, construction, finishing works, furniture were made by our company VERSAL CONSTRUCTION. The interior style is eclectic, combining baroque, Empire, modern and characteristic features of the eastern interior "