Fusion office

office of architect Vera Gerasimova

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Interview prepared: Nina Farizova

Project author: Vera Gerasimova

Magazine: N10 (143) 2009

Architects and designers, as a rule, try to make their office so that each incoming could understand that professionals work here. For the architect, it's like a business card.

Your new office architect Vera Gerasimova did as she wanted - in fusion style. “This room was in a new building, without finishing, without internal partitions, except for three bearing walls and air ducts,” says the author of the project. “But I tried to turn all the shortcomings of this space into advantages: half columns were built along the entire length of the corridor from the usual building bricks, and I-beams are laid between them. This helped to crush the room lengthwise and set a certain rhythm. By the way, the I-beams are real (each weighs almost 80 kg), and they are completely rusty. , after which they were coated by spraying with varnish (so as not to disturb the natural pattern of rust).

Between the semi-columns along one wall of the corridor I installed open bookcases for the storage of catalogs, between the I-beams hung white fusion chandeliers, on the walls were engravings "with architecture" of the 18th and 19th centuries ... In general, the entire space of the hall and corridor is built in contrast colors - baked milk (walls, doors and furniture) and dark brown (tiles with imitation of rust on the floor and I-beams). I wanted to make a big meeting room light, bright and cozy. Its walls and ceiling are lined with boiserie in a classic style - all the colors of baked milk. I picked up the curtains to match them, and the Peshawar gray-beige carpet was supposed to emphasize the airiness of this room. A large table is simply a necessity: there is always not enough space to expand the drawings, catalogs and samples for discussion. Bookcases and panels are made according to my drawings specifically for this project. On the walls engravings of the XVIII century. I immediately knew what our office would be like, that I would choose this particular style, because everything in it is a feeling of play, celebration, unrestrained imagination and endless creativity. "