The office of this IT company in Moscow is located in an old industrial building, in the business center "Shabolovka 31"

Lead headings: Nina Farizova
A photo: Peter Zaitsev
Project author: Petr Zaitsev, Arseny Borisenko
Magazine: N4 (192) 2014
The office is located on the sixth floor of the business center. “This industrial building was reconstructed several times, and as a result, a drop in height of ceilings — from 3.9 to 4.5 meters — was formed on the top floor,” says architect Arseny Borisenko. . Since the office is not focused on administrative activities, there is no reception in it. We made the entrance group in the form of a compact geometric tunnel that leads to an open area — the main pedestrian “artery” of the office. Since there are only seven negotiation rooms, the customer suggested calling them the names of the planets, emphasizing a kind of “geocentric” role for the Moscow office. That is why in the meeting room the decor appeared in the form of text blocks telling about the physical properties of the planets of the solar system. ”