Gallery owner Didier Marien (Didier Marien) lives in Moscow with Parisian chic. Exclusive report, for INTERIOR + DESIGN readers only.
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Didier Marien has lived in Moscow for many years. He knows her lifestyle, rhythm, atmosphere. It is here that the energetic and inquisitive Frenchman develops his business, presenting high European style to collectors and wealthy art lovers. His Boccara Gallery offers carpets made from sketches by famous artists of the twentieth century, works by French sculptors, antique tapestries, furniture and light, and another fashionable division, Boccara Design, promotes exclusive design objects in Russia.

“I am interested in different styles, different masters. I am completely unrelated in my preferences. I can freeze in amazement before the canvas of the XV century and the work of the modern photographer. Only commercial leaves me indifferent, to which I refer such artists as Jeff Koons or Damien Hirst. ” Didier invented his own Moscow house and designed it with the flair of a professional designer, inviting INTERIOR + DESIGN magazine to the premiere.

The apartment in one of the Old Moscow streets not far from Povarskaya, in a six-story apartment building, built shortly before the revolution, is a housing for a real Frenchman. The interior is an outstanding work not only because almost all the furnishings are made of museum works, copyright and rare. The house Didier immediately captivates interesting space with extraordinary angles, thoughtful transitions and beautiful views from the windows, plus first-class craftsmanship of finish and the highest level of repair work performance for Russia. Like any gallery owner, he not only dreamed of getting comfortable with his favorite masterpieces. He interpreted housing as a clear example of how the Boccara Gallery offer in the residential area “works”.

“First of all,” says Didier, “I wanted to do something modern, but with the spirit of the 1960s. I was born then, and I like this period. It is also important for me to feel where I am - in Moscow, New York or Paris. The first thing I chose for the new apartment was Jean Ruayer's sofas and a bookcase made by hand by craftsmen in the spirit of the famous once-innovative Nuage subject Charlotte Perrian. But my copy is entirely made of brass, its sliding panels are not painted, but decorated with red lacquer, and the proportions of the object correspond exactly to the place. All the rest for a year found in Paris. But I must admit that the search was intense!

I started collecting in 25 years. I like textiles, I have an extensive collection of antique tapestries, but at home I decided that there would be few carpets. ” Kitchen dining Didier treated modern, mixing the style of the 1960s with Art Deco. The genius of the place marks several black and white photographs of the Russian capital of different years.

“For me, Russia is an inseparable part of Europe. And today it is a great place for art business. My clients are educated, cultured people. They understand that they are buying things not only for the sake of investing money, but from aesthetic and, I would say, sensual preferences. In Moscow, I am fascinated by green courtyards with never, unlike French, not cut trees and eclectic architecture. Such negligence, plus a diverse landscape, create a sense of changing life. There is a dynamics unusual for the “museum” Paris and everything is possible!
My Moscow house is difficult to compare with Paris. There, in Saint-Germain, I just chose pieces of furniture and did not think about the general configuration of the apartment. In Moscow, it was the opposite. I started with a clean slate, completely packed it, planned and furnished it. Here I am responsible for every detail. I had a great team of workers, whom I have known for many years ... The best thing that happened in this project was the atmosphere and the feeling. There is no other such housing in Moscow! ”

All those who come to visit Didier celebrate a successful layout and bold work with space. The total area of the apartment is 160 sq. M. meters Didier points out the magnificent height of the ceilings and admits that 4 meters is a rarity for Moscow houses. There is plenty of daylight, large windows, no curtains and curtains - instead of them there are light slatted blinds and very few doors. Doorways are highlighted with black frames in a spectacular complex shade of black lacquer. Light pours freely everywhere. However, Didier, as an experienced exhibitor, is not afraid of dark areas either. In the hallway and the kitchen, he preferred the white walls to the shiny dark facades of the built-in wardrobes. They give the interior extra depth.

All Didier’s apartment is furnished exclusively with collection design objects or objects designed by him or specially for him. He has long been working with the company Pouenat. “The bookcase, the stool, the table, the lamps, the mirror,” said Didier Marien, “virtually all metal objects and parts are made together with this magnificent French factory.” Didier knows the Pouenat products perfectly, because it has been selling its Moscow customers for years to come. Another good luck is Didier - in Paris he managed to find a production, where, according to his sketches, they made a wardrobe in the most complex technique of Japanese varnish. He considers the result to be amazing.

Among the favorite designers, Didier names Jean-Rouier, Jean-Michel Franck, Emile-Jacques Rouemann and 18th-century craftsman Jean-Henri Risner, whose furniture was ordered by Russian Empress Catherine II. Didier is lucky: the subjects of two favorites are already at his home. The living room wall is decorated with a picturesque canvas painted by the young American artist JonOne. In the fall, Didier is preparing a solo exhibition JonOne (his real name is John Parello). The black guy, born and raised in Harlem, transfers the style of vivid expressive graffiti to canvas. As did his predecessor, Jean-Michel Basquiat, but in a more major manner. Didier promotes the work of modern masters. In the arsenal of the Boccara Gallery are photographs of Efrosinya Lavrukhina and Vlada Krasilnikova, bronze by French sculptor Jean-François Gambino, sculptures of innovators of his time - Pierre Travers, Claude Gutin, Cesar, Armand and Henri Delcambre.