Park Hyatt Hamburg

Text: Marina Volkova
Magazine: N4 (126) 2008
Local hotels - a separate article of the life of the city. The most loyal fans even call Hamburg a city-hotel. In this dynamic metropolis, it seems, there is no room for the classics, and most of the local hotels rightfully claim the first prize in the nomination "The most minimalist interior." This is the characteristic that can be given to the interior of the Park Hyatt Hamburg Hotel, a representative of the famous international network.
It is located in the very center, on the street Mönckebergstraβe (Mönckebergstraβe). Appeared recently, in 1998. The hotel occupies the upper floors of the building, known as Levantehaus, which served as a warehouse at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1997, this “on duty” spacious room was turned into a large shopping complex, and all the upper floors (in the amount of seven) were given to Park Hyatt Hamburg.
Last, seventh, most prestigious. This is the so-called club floor, which, according to the laws of modernity, every self-respecting luxury hotel should have: with its own entrance, lobby, and individual service - a hotel in a hotel.
Park Hyatt Hamburg is reasonably proud of its record data: for example, the Presidential Suite (the second name is Mendelssohn Suite) with an area of 231 square meters is the largest hotel room in Hamburg.
In Park Hyatt Hamburg there are also Apartments - two-level penthouses, which among other things are equipped with mini-kitchens. Actually, the name justifies the purpose - this space is not much different from elite private housing. Apartments for rent (more than 30) for a month or more. Many Europeans find this service very convenient - a separate space, reminiscent of the house, and at the same time all the advantages of a five-star hotel.
Один из этих плюсов, безусловно, здешняя кухня, насладиться которой можно в Apples Restaurant&Bar, где отменные блюда, прежде всего рыбные, готовят прямо на глазах у посетителей. Здесь же находится Onyx Bar - приятная расслабляющая атмосфера и разнообразная коктейльная карта… В послеобеденное время в Park Lounge Bar отеля устраивают чаепития, а тем, кто предпочитает что-то более романтическое, подают шампанское.
Отдельного внимания заслуживает находящийся в отеле Club Olympus SPA&Fitness, один из лучших оздоровительных центров Гамбурга. Своеобразная местная услуга - низкотемпературная сауна. Особая гордость Club Olympus - 20-метровый бассейн.
Most of the time people come to Hamburg for business, but if suddenly there is a free minute between meetings and press conferences, you can remember that there is also a historical part with intricate architecture and pretty narrow streets, and its natural attractions - Alster Lake , reserves and numerous channels. If you come to Hamburg in May, you can even get on a real parade ... of ships, accompanied by incessant fireworks. This is how the local Day of the city is celebrated, it is also the Day of the Harbor, which is understandable if we recall that the harbor occupies almost a third of the entire urban territory.
By the way, the hotel itself can provide maximum water entertainment: boat rides on the Elbe, on a sailing yacht on the Alster lake, on canoes along the canals