16 ноября в Москве в салоне "Individual Interiors" на Олимпийском пр-те, д. 26, прошла презентация мебельной экспозиции фабрик Moissonier и Modenature
Passing the gallery
Lead headings: Nikolay Fedyanin
Magazine: (102)
November 16 in Moscow in the cabin "Individual Interiors" at the Olympic Avenue, 26, the presentation of the furniture exposition of the factories Moissonier and Modenature was held MOISSONIER and MODENATURE - two opposite poles of such a thing as "French chic". The first company exists since 1885. Retaining the shapes of objects from the time of Louis XV and XVI, the designers of MOISSONIER decorate antique chests and cabinets very brightly and unusually. The company MODENATURE, which was founded by designer Henri Beck (Henry Becq), produces furniture in the style that is called international. Indeed, there are fans of discreet minimalism in any country in the world.