Sanatorium Chalet Margeaux on Rublevo-Uspensky highway

Leading headings: Marina Volkova
A photo: - © Chalet Margeaux
Magazine: N5 (138) 2009
Near Moscow, on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, there is a sanatorium Chalet Margeaux. You drive up and see a pretty two-story mansion with an attic, reminiscent of classic country noble estates. He appeared here several years ago on the initiative of Margot Krzhizhevskaya, Oksana Yarmolnik and Tatiana Lebedeva. The interior features pearl-gray walls, lamps and furniture in the spirit of French Provence, tiled stoves and marble portals of fireplaces.
Chalet Margeaux - Sanatorium. It developed a number of programs aimed at cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. For example, "SPA-cure for fatigue" - to combat stress, insomnia, overweight. The program includes an individual diet according to the rules of a balanced diet, various types of massage, pilates and aqua aerobics classes, as well as a number of wellness treatments. One of the most interesting is antler wrappings. Antlers are processes of the horns of young deer. The main action of wraps is a tonic, normalizing emotional sphere. Chalet Margeaux can offer programs based on liver cleansing (tubage). The cedar barrel, all types of manual massage, rare underwater massage, hair and scalp treatment using the famous CH5 plus serum, face treatment program using the Swiss cosmetics Valmont and Cellcosmet are intended to supplement the effect.
Hotel Chalet Margeaux
Address: Rublevo-Uspenskoe sh., Lyzlovo, possession 38Accommodation: from 8400 rubles.Entertainment: SPA procedures aimed at cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, mud therapy, thalassotherapy, face care programs, tubage, massage, swimming pool, fitness classes.