C pastel shades finished! It is time for rich palettes and rich colors. Decorators will save us from chromophobia with injections of rust-red and emerald-green shades.
По теме: Pink & Siena
Not so long ago, everyone was perplexed and laughed at the “green greenery”, a shade of greenеry, which was ridiculous for interiors, declared the main one in 2017. And Litris Aisman, chief priestess of color, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, talks about the merits of ripe palettes. “Intense colors are necessary as a natural continuation of our intense lifestyle. Soft pastel colors are inferior in popularity to bright blue, rusty red and green. " Apparently, the great revolution of 2018 is coming - a departure from the programmed pastel colors, which in recent years have flooded magazines and interiors. Their hegemony, imposed by the Scandinavian trend in decor, is coming to an end.

Iceman predicts fame and rainbow shades. “The human eye responds particularly well to everything that is rosy, pearly or translucent,” she says. Shimmering metallic steel that has become a classic has completely gone into a neutral palette. ”

With the colors of the year it is always like this: they change very quickly. As in the world of fashion - the seasons follow one after the other, each following is different from the previous one. In 2018, the green color will remain, but in a different quality. In addition, blue will be popular, which designers have already called the "new black." New shades, especially red, should make 2018 interiors different from previous ones. More frank, exotic colors will appear.

Pantone Color Institute offers eight palettes for 2018. Regeneration includes orange shades that are so necessary for the eyes. In the Ludic palette there is yellow, lime, bright green and even blue. Verdure, symbolizing health, according to Eisman, unites a number of “vegetable” shades, including “celery greens” - an updated green symbol, which the Pantone Color Institute proposes too actively to take as a base for all professionals and amateurs of decor.
Related: Green: Trendy Color 2017
Style agencies develop their own spectra, all or almost all work the same. Stylists are saturated throughout the year with art in the general sense of the word. Carefully study film, painting, photo, music, street art, dance and, of course, fashion, to determine the trends of tomorrow. Manufacturers of decorative paints, varnishes and plasters are the most active and interested in promoting various palettes. Famous enterprises have their own research departments that produce trendbooks.
Sherwin-Williams: Oceanside
The blue-green tint will add mystery and elegance to the atmosphere of any space, according to experts of the American company Sherwin-Williams. “People want adventure, this desire penetrates the most secluded corners of our homes. We crave things that call us on an expedition, ”says marketing director Sue Wadden. “Oceanside is a touch of escapism in your own home.”
Behr: In the Moment

Первый раз в своей истории Behr, бренд американской компании The Home Depot, объявляет цвет года. Их сине-зеленый фаворит получил название In the Moment и должен заставить нас мгновенно почувствовать себя успокоенными. Эрика Воелфель, вице-президент Color & Creative Services считает, что этот оттенок «вызывает чувство умиротворения в разъединяющем потоке жизни».
Benjamin Moore: Сaliente
“Strong, radiant and full of energy Caliente AF-290 represents confidence,” comments Ellen O'Neill, Director of Strategic Engineering Benjamin Moore, “Whether it is used as an accent note or on four walls at once, energetic red signals surprises and adventures. The eye can not fail to obey such bold strikes. At the same time, Caliente is a warm, enveloping tone that is easy to love. ” Every year, Ellen and her team of “detectives” travel the world, conducting a secret investigation: they have a choice of more than 3,500 shades, and you need to find only one to call it the color of the year. Dunn-Edwards Paints: The Green Your
In the middle of 2017, the American manufacturer Dunn-Edwards Paints released a richly illustrated (500 photos) report on color and design in 2018. It identified the main color of the year and five major trends: Memories (a return to the French chic of the 1940s, Art Deco and modernism in blue-green, grayish-pink, dark brown shades, including bronze, caramel, gold and red varnishes ); Natural Wonders (nature plus innovation - living as if in a village, without leaving the city, in the spring sea palette, with coral tones, sunny contrasts and shades of salmon, lobster, pebble and ocean); The Stars (futurism plus retro, exotic fantasies and artificial world, gloss and glow, glossy layers with shocking tints of pink, dark blue and shades of the 1980s); Adventures (a call for adventure in lush, extravagant tones of emerald green, amber, black lava, blue and purple); Childhood Joys (fairy tales for adults and children's joys with fun games in chic colors of blue, burgundy, gray and beige, complemented by green and orange)
AkzoNobel: Heart Wood
“Thin and warm shade of mature pink. It is extracted from the tactile qualities of natural wood and leather, providing comfort and lightness. This is a response to the request of the consumer who wants to have a safe and at the same time welcoming home, ”this is how they comment on their choice at the AkzoNobel International Aesthetic Center A testing study was conducted by the center team along with a group of 11 international experts. “Life is getting faster,” says creative director Helen Van Ghent. - The house should become a place where we can give up the hustle and bustle in order to cultivate our values and recharge with energy. Color can play a significant role in creating a balance between external noise and internal calmness. ”
PPG: Black Flame

The American paint company PPG called the black flame shade black flame the main color. The company believes that the mix of black and indigo is an antidote to the unrest in the world and a huge amount of information that we receive daily. “Black color gives a feeling of privacy: the more we dive into the world of social networks, the more we want to hide from other people's views,” say the representatives of PPG.

Знать модные цвета — это одно. Но уметь ими пользоваться — совсем другое. Простые правила известны всем декораторам. Во-первых, никогда не объединяйте более трех основных цветов в одной комнате, иначе визуальный комфорт, обеспечиваемый гармонией цветов, невозможен. Во-вторых, используйте только один главный цвет и его сочетания: если выбрали насыщенный синий, применяйте вместе с ним светло-синие или нейтральные цвета, такие как белый, но никогда — ярко-красный. Шарлотта Кросби, Farrow & Ball, подчеркивает, что выбор цвета определяет культура. «Например, в Китае красный — это символ удачи, тогда как на Западе он олицетворяет гнев и страсть».