Rain season

September romanticism: colors of rain, moss-covered wood, cast-iron benches, lanterns and apple orchards ...

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Dilara Muradova

A photo: Kirill Ovchinnikov

Magazine: H (76) 2003

September is the season of rains and weddings: the right, it is better to indulge in romance than to be sad ... September romanticism is restrained in autumn. In shades of green and white, transparency and simplicity, there is neither spring impatience, nor summer passion. The main thing now is the mood. A little provincial - the summer season is not yet closed, innocent - it's time to reread Bunin and Chesterton, the love season - to marry in September is a good omen. In search of the right means of expression you will inevitably become a romantic. Mossy wood, cast-iron benches, lanterns and apple orchards - for the most consistent - will fall in handy here. As for the flowers, they are the same as always, but only in the obligatory - to remind of the rain - transparent vasesRain colors During rain, September is like May. Mainly with fresh green paints. Romantic mood can be emphasized with appropriate accessories: cast-iron furniture, green from the dampness, old wood, overgrown with moss. Or express it directly - with the help of a stand for wedding rings.Forgotten lanterns in the garden look, perhaps, even more romantic than on the path. Almost an illustration to Chesterton.Across the river in the shade of the trees A bit naive. A little sad. Everything is very simple, but it is not without reason: excessive complexity and unnecessary details could destroy the most important thing here - mood.Provence Gardens The apple garden is a marvelous place for a wedding gazebo, a flower bed is for a candlestick covered with a glass dome, a puddle is for the bride's bouquet ... Practicality and romance are not always compatible.The editors thank the company "MPM Decor" for assistance in conducting the shooting