Apartment for office

apartment with a total area of ​​90 m2 (Moscow) Irina Nadtochy

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Stylist: Anna Subbotina

Text: Danila Gulyaev

Designer: Irina Nadtochy

Magazine: Download

The owners of this apartment work in the very center of Moscow. The apartment is literally a couple of minutes from the office. For this purpose, and was instituted, so that very close to the work there was a small, but representative branch of the house. Actual, by the way, trend. This apartment does not live permanently. She is for casual raids and informal summits. Can say for summits

Дизайнер Irina Nadtochy проектировала интерьер этой сугубо городской квартиры не как офис, конечно, но как его домашнее продолжение. Это квартира-кабинет, приемная, конфенц-зал или, точнее, более душевный вариант всего перечисленного - без галстука, как говорится. Поэтому, за некоторыми поправками, интерьер выглядит почти как жилище гостеприимного светского холостяка. Задачи, собственно, почти те же: гостей приветить и коммуникативным процессам поспособствовать.

Zoning is open and free. The living room is combined with the dining room and kitchen, as is customary in modern studio-type interiors. The communicative function is underlined: the space is conducive to communication of all kinds - from backstage business meetings to gatherings in the kitchen. Sofa, dining area and kitchen bar stand side by side compactly, but without crowding, it is quite secular. The area of ​​the apartment is small, but the designer designed everything so as to visually enlarge the area and provide a sense of openness of the space.

The design corresponds to the modern flat-format: light colors, appropriate contrasts, conciseness. Wenge ceiling plinth creates a clear contour from above and is combined with dining room and kitchen furniture. The floor was laid out of fashionable bleached oak with an unfilled natural texture, which is also very relevant. There is practically no pretentious and redundant decor, although for contrast, some details were added to the classics: a monumental crystal chandelier and columns behind which pipes are hidden.

The hallway is separated from the kitchen area by a partition. The angle between it and the dressing room turned out to be indirect, which brings a pleasant irregularity into the space. In the bedroom, compactness combined with a hefty soul. The overall brevity of the room is ornamented with the ornate decor of a chandelier and lamps. Classic elements in the living room and in the bedroom set the front theme - the interior is representative.

Irina Nadtochy: "Customers already have a home for life, and not one, but they decided to get a small apartment next to the work. This interior is intended more for socializing with guests than for everyday living."