Pier on the moscow river

Restaurant "Prichal" near Moscow Ekaterina Chaykovskaya, Alexandra Gatenyan, Anastasia Konenkova

Passing the gallery

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

A photo: Vladimir Karchin

Architect: Alexandra Gatenyan, Anastasia Konenkova, Ekaterina Tchaikovskaya

Magazine: N (87) 2004

The vibrant landscape, fresh air, clear water and beautiful nature in the Moscow region - this whole range can be found at the 2nd kilometer of Ilinsky highway. New restaurant Arkady Novikov "Berth" stands right on the Moscow River. “We made three halls and two summer terraces in different styles,” says architect Alexander Gatenian. “As befits a country establishment, we ordered wicker furniture from Indonesia, made pillows and covers from natural fabrics, hung bamboo curtains, even made lamps from wicker ones vases for fruit. A two-level veranda draped with real sails, so you can not be afraid of rain. " Boats can approach the restaurant pier: a special parking is made for them. In general, the cleanest environment outside and inside.