Ocean of fantasy by stepan babian

The offensive design of the artist Stepan Babian, comprehended by the laws of modern haste life

Passing the gallery

Text: Lyudmila Kryshtaleva

A photo: Vitaly Nefedov

Magazine: (42)

Stepan Babian's Ocean Collection is the successful debut of the Yerevan artist in Moscow. Nothing like the work has become, perhaps, the most striking event of the latest exhibitions: furniture in Sokolniki and architectural in the CHA. They were awarded a diploma for an exclusive design, but the highest award for the author was the praise of his father. A few months ago, Stepan arrived from Yerevan with his sculptures. A happy accident led him to the firm "SOFIA-DECOR", where they could appreciate the talent and bold ideas of the artist. Paraphrasing one director’s statement about cinema, Stepan says: "Design is not art, but there is design art. Design is manufacturability, showiness, and finally fashion." This is probably why his things are unusually decorative and therefore memorable. The Ocean collection is built on an impressive imagery in the spirit of surrealism. Next to the idea of ​​offensive design, comprehended by the laws of modern haste life, the artist has another, wise and gentle, attitude to things. Stepan Babian has a little dream. In the difficult 90s, people used the wooden benches of the Yerevan Pushkin park to heat their homes. And now the artist wants to create new benches for lovers, so that they have something to sit on in the park. And a few words about the already existing "Ocean". Stepan was very pleased that he did not have to “land” the ideas, so high was the skill of cabinetmakers from the SOFIA-DECOR company. The peculiarity of the "Wave" ladder consists in the irregular riser, which gives it lightness and plasticity. The model is made of solid wood by a special technology that creates the illusion of shponirovaniya. It was very difficult to plywood the ornamental Algae column, especially since very rare woods were used for this exotic collection.