Italian suburb

restaurant "Borgo" in Moscow, Mikhail Dautov

Passing the gallery

A photo: Sergey Morgunov, Ekaterina Morgunov

Leading headings: Nina Farizova

Architect: Михаил Даутов

Magazine: Na (80) 2004

Translated from the Italian "Borgo" means "suburb". Recently opened in Spiridonevsky Lane, 12, the restaurant "Borgo" really resembles a house in an Italian town. “We only used what was already present in the Moscow house of the last century: curved brick walls were whitewashed, wooden ceiling ceilings were left intact,” says Mikhail Dautov, Moscow author of the Italian idea. Basement wine cellar, wooden tables, carved buffets complete the picture. Chairs and dishes deserve a separate discussion. Two hundred-three hundred years ago small workshops existed in the Italian provinces, where peasants and artisans made glasses of greenish glass. These traditions are still alive, and the authors of the project found a similar factory in Italy. And the tapestry upholstery of chairs from the KOBE Marrakech collection reminds of the Renaissance, when the oriental pattern was a natural part of the interior.