Crossroads styles

Сложносочинённый интерьер квартиры на Крестовском острове Санкт–Петербурга соединяет в себе ар–деко и современный стиль. Автор проекта Igor Sushkov отмечает, что использование столь насыщенного и эффектного декора стало возможно благодаря грамотно организованному пространству

Passing the gallery

A photo: Yury Molodkovets

Text: Alexandra Terentyeva

Project author: Igor Sushkov

Magazine: (196) 2014

Сложносочинённый интерьер квартиры на Крестовском острове Санкт–Петербурга соединяет в себе ар–деко и современный стиль. Автор проекта Igor Sushkov отмечает, что использование столь насыщенного и эффектного декора стало возможно благодаря грамотно организованному пространству

In this interior art-deco and modern style are combined. How did you come to exactly this style decision? Igor Sushkov: It was the result of our communication, discussion with customers. The owners had no strict requirements for the style of the future interior, and my task was to help them to open up. As a result, we stopped at the modern version of the classic American Art Deco in the public and parent (including the bedroom and bathroom adjoining it) zones. For children, I suggested other moves that more closely matched the characters of the children: the daughter’s bedroom was designed in the spirit of romantic classics with Rococo elements, and for the son we chose a concise modern style. At the request of the owner, a maritime yacht theme appeared in the office. In addition, we have equipped separate rooms for our customer's hobby: a ham radio corner and a hunting pantry.

Read the full text in paper or electronic version of the journal.