Cream of society at the apraksin

Grand Cafe Cream of the Society in Moscow Vsevolod Sosenkin, Sergey Demchenko, Konstantin Zaviralin

Passing the gallery

A photo: Elena Koldunova

Text: Yuri Zhuzhin

Architect: Vsevolod Sosenkin, Sergey Demchenko, Konstantin Zaviralin

Magazine: N4 (71) 2003

The long pretentious name (“Grand Cafe“ Cream of the Society ”) is confusing - there is nothing pretentious and pretentious in the establishment itself. / 1 - the place is twilight, decadent. Light penetrates through the openwork plexuses of autumn leaves under the ceiling. Light draperies cover the high windows. Vaults are emphasized by broad strokes of golden paint ... It does not look m. Due to its large volume and high arches, gilding and marble, complex shapes made of artificial stone, cast according to old palace technologies, do not make the space heavier and look appropriate. , even the color solution had its limitations. From the very beginning, having rejected literal historicism, the authors of Cream had played a continuity. They successfully quoted the context proposed by the old Moscow house, added a fair amount of irony and eclecticism from themselves and got the desired result: a calm, exceptionally beautiful and relevant space.