apartment with a total area of 137 m2

A photo: Robert Pomorcev, Mikhail Pomorcev
Text: Boris Yakovlev
Project author: Olga Arapova
Magazine: N6 (183) 2013
The apartment with panoramic windows is located on the 16th floor of a modern house, which is located on one of the main streets of Yekaterinburg, surrounded by the same high-rise buildings. From the windows of a fascinating view. This was the decisive argument when buying the owner of the property. “At first I didn’t like this space: long narrow corridors with pink walls, primitive decor, eerie plasterboard circles on the ceiling,” recalls the project’s author Olga Arapova. - But then the customer led me to the window and said that when he stands here and looks at the city, he has a desire to take off. We repelled from the motive of flight when we thought through the imagery of the interior. ” As for the stylistic settings, they were as follows: a cosmopolitan, universal design without dominant elements and shocking details.
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