Orange design
Passing the gallery
Leading headings: Dilara Muradova
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The orange sky, the orange sea, the orange revolution ... Apparently, not wanting to lag behind politicians and poets, the designers also decided to paint the furniture orange. Chandelier [1] Taif, Вarovier&TosoSalon "Enfilade". Light fixtures [2] Alda, designer Gaetano Pesce, Gaetano Pesce. Armchair [3] Glove, designer Patricia Urquiola, Molteni&C., salon Molteni. the cloth [4] Alameda, New Nordic, salon aht. Vase [5] Lolly, designer Olle Brozen, Kosta Boda, салон "Интерьеры Экстра Класса". Armchair [6] Turtle, Knoll, "Gallerie Neuhaus". Shelzon [7] Boulevard, designer Hiroshi Cunoda, Hiroshi Tsunoda Design Studio. sofa [8] Tube, Rossi di Albizzate, salon "Bosco interiors". Lamp [9] Romeo, designer Philip Stark Flos, "Neuhaus Gallery". Napkin holder [10] Ola w-or, designer Hiroshi Tsunoda, Hiroshi Tsunoda Design Studio. Stoll [11], Draenert, Salon "Extra Class Interiors". Lamp [12] Flamp, designer Hiroshi Tsunoda, Hiroshi Tsunoda Design Studio. Carpet [12] La Rochefoucauld, designer Borek Sipek, collection Alef, Driade, "Trading house 12".