Symmetry axis

Apartment architect Tatiana Mironova

Passing the gallery

A photo: Zinon Razutdinov, Vladimir Karchin

Stylist: Tatyana Ivanenko

Text: Elena Klevtsova

Architect: Tatyana Mironova

Magazine: Decor N9 (109) 2006

"Grandmother's" bright red lampshade with fringe, old photos on the wall, floor and furniture from almost black wenge, golden silk carpet ... Tatyana Mironova

The style helped to balance both. ar deko. Immediately make a reservation that this is not about pure historical style, no, I rethought ar deko, deciding it in a modern way, choosing from the variety of forms and materials those with which I will be comfortable. (As is known, this style is characterized by a combination of monumental forms and sophisticated embellishment, rationality and luxury.) I chose wenge from precious woods, from white metals (which are known to be loved ar deko) - silver and steel, from textures - scratched and polished, from textiles - velvet and silk. The list goes on. In principle, the selection itself of this kind is a decorating approach to the interior. I usually work on my objects from and to - both as an architect and as a decorator. Architecture is closely linked with decorative solutions, and my own apartment is no exception.

I built the interior of the living room with respect to an imaginary axis of symmetry, which begins in the corridor from the oval French clock, passes through a wide doorway, and then through a window. On both sides of the doorway, two tall lamps and two large mirrors in heavy frames are symmetrically arranged, which emphasize the symmetry of space. Further along the axis is a coffee table, a podium with a large dining table and chairs symmetrically arranged from Ralph Lauren. There is a window at the table. Here the axis rushes to infinity. The view from the window is absolutely crazy: the 15th floor, the whole of Moscow is clearly visible. For a better view of the dining area raised to the level.

Как я уже отмечала, геометрию пространства поддерживают прямоугольники дверей, зеркал, массивные полки и столешницы. (Столы изготовлены отечественной компанией по моим эскизам.) В этих столах есть особый шик. У одного, например, мощная столешница из венге с интересной фактурой. Древесные волокна процарапаны и тонированы под бронзу. Ножки у стола вычурные - такая фантазия на тему барокко. Один вычурный стиль отлично подошел к другому такому же. Тут у меня еще диваны с намеком на условно-барочные формы. Ведь контраст прямоугольных и пухлых форм очень оживляет интерьер. Здесь тоже как бы ось симметрии, только уже метафорическая: элементы конструктивизма (как стилевой составляющей ar deko) и необарокко соединены мною в точно отмеренной пропорции.

Pay attention to the red lampshade in the living room. Under it is a breakfast corner. This is a place of soulful nostalgic, with old family photos, a palm tree in the "tub". Here, apart from the spatial axis of the apartment, which also personifies today's speeds, you can safely talk about household chores, discuss plans for tomorrow, recharge yourself with positive energy ... "

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