Recipe for happiness

private house with a total area of ​​570 m2 Nina Prudnikova

Passing the gallery

A photo: Dmitry Livshits

Text: Julia Sakharova

Project author: Nina Prudnikova

Architect: Petr Yushin, Philip Yushin, Petr Kozeikin, Mikhail Efremov, Pavel Burmakin

Equipment: Alexander Epishkin

Builder: Branko Ivankovich

Magazine: N10 (77) 2003

There are some things - in life and in architecture - that they take for granted and therefore do not require proof. So, it is accepted a priori that, conditionally speaking, the “Japanese” style is prescribed to minimalism ... And although there are extremely successful variations on the theme of minimum minimorum, this time we bring to your attention a “Far Eastern” object generously filled with bright details. With exquisite décor of ceilings and floors, with table lamps, wooden figures, pictures in the technique of inlay and vases ... What a minimalism here! But the eastern flavor is evident. The owners are happy: they dreamed of just such a houseEast-West "Рабочее" название этого проекта "East-West" точно отражает его суть. А попытка соединить строгий западный функционализм с легким восточным декором напоминает классический диалог разума и чувства. Рацио приводит определенные резоны, а сфера эмоций дает этим резонам свою, чувственную оценку (и наоборот)... Подобный "внутренний диалог" обнаружил себя еще на этапе обсуждения предпочтений. То есть хозяева этого дома справедливо полагали, что высокий уровень комфорта им способен дать лишь современный, по-европейски функциональный дом. Но - не в стиле минимализм! Их симпатии заранее были отданы романтичному Дальнему Востоку... Nina Prudnikova в своем новом проекте помирила две стихии - и ментальную, и географическую, - и причем очень органично. Хотя... среди утонченных художественных намеков на Японию виднеются как бы не совсем политкорректные швеллеры и фермы. Но лишь "как бы", потому что и они на деле оказываются не только и не столько привычно "европейскими" конструкциями: здесь, в условиях этого пространства, они становятся яркими деталями "дальневосточного" декора. Просто по-европейски разумный дом позволил себе толику романтики...Living room Soft, comfortable, noble without pomp, built on nuances. The architect, as usual, immediately laid into the project all the decorative things inspiring this interior. The simple-shaped fireplace is richly decorated with jasper with a beautiful texture. Leather sofas with tapestry pillows, exotic table lamps from Roberto Cavalli, antique caskets, trays and containers for tea storage ... But the two paired decorative panels hanging above the sofa were purchased for their living room on their own. Made panels in a mixed technique: black lacquer and mother of pearl inlay. “Great luck, when the owners understand the logic of the space, listen to the expert’s advice,” the architect says. “My customers agreed to some of my“ risky ”offers, but as a result, they only won. living room, even highlighting the channel with paint. Let's take color solutions. From here, from the living room, you can see a white staircase (for some reason it is believed to be impractical). But I made dark brown walls. st dark steps. But here we are in the positive, because the staircase, performed exactly this way, and not otherwise, looks especially elegant. This is important because it is visible from many points of the house, not only from the living room. see through the glazed partition wall of the pool.Cross and Enfilade The main planning theme of the first floor is the archaic cross. From the entrance area you enter the hall, which is, relatively speaking, in the center of public premises. The top of the "cross" is a winter garden. The left wing - a living room with a fireplace, the right - a dining room and a kitchen. The planning idea is emphasized by the "square" decor of the ceilings and the floor, executed in the architect's favorite gamut - a combination of beige and dark brown. The height of the ceilings made it possible to play with plasterboard volumes and even paint fragments of the ceiling dark brown, almost black. “It makes the space mysterious,” says the architect, “the ceiling seems to be“ failing ”, as if it is not. this process and something to fix, for example, to increase the height of the ceilings. In the hall it is now about 3.5 m. " The "squares" of the floor and ceiling correspond to wide rectangular openings that separate the functional zones. Nina Prudnikova succeeded in realizing the principle of a suite here, which only added pomp to space. Cabinet The request of the poet-philosopher "please lower the black curtains" was heard and elegantly applied as the main color accent in the office located on the first floor on the same axis as the winter garden. With the help of black panels, “in Japanese”, which covered a three-sided bay window, the architect solved several problems at once. First, it created a cozy local space. (If the winter garden is open to the environment and the pool is open to the stairs, then the office is intentionally closed. This room is not for everyone.) Secondly, it created a mood conducive to contemplation (according to psychologists, black Colour). Thirdly, she emphasized the oriental theme (as opposed to European-style lush lace of windows in the bathroom and neutral blinds in other rooms). Pool Pool, зимний сад и два входа в дом были пристроены архитектором к дому, так сказать, уже в ходе начавшегося строительства по старому проекту. С эстетской точки зрения изюминка этой части дома в том, что с парадной лестницы, которая ведет в гостиную и далее в приватные покои, можно видеть большое (примерно 70 кв. м) открытое пространство бассейна. Его спокойную гладь налитой практически вровень с полом воды. И если звезды шоу-бизнеса, живущие в США, устанавливают равенство воды и пола прямо в гостиной, то Nina Prudnikova, пожалуй, осуществила еще более смелый шаг. Ведь бассейн фактически полностью виден с лестницы. "Всяк сюда входящий" может лицезреть единство воды и камня, разделенных ненавязчивой шашечкой.House reconstruction Nina Prudnikova admits that she, as an architect, was limited to the “genre” of reconstruction. But within the given framework, however, she was able to implement strategic decisions. For example, to arrange the facades in the "Japanese" style, which is perfectly combined with the pines near Moscow. It was possible to observe the principle of reasonable openness-closeness of the house in relation to the environment (for example, a winter garden and a swimming pool are open, the office is closed). Managed to build the "axis" of the first floor in such a way that the living room is visible from all points. A great joint success, his and his owners, the architect considers the decor of the house. And most importantly, a certain "spirit of the house", a feeling that is difficult to describe in words ...Bedroom Но в этом доме много и традиционного. Например, та же самая лестница, "показавшая" посетителям смело решенный бассейн, уводит наверх, где, как и положено, находятся приватные покои. Здесь все уже очень "спокойно". Bedroom хозяев может служить образцом умиротворения, переведенного на язык декора. Лаконичные цвета и естественные материалы, коричневый потолок и пол из выбеленного клена, шкафы, спрятанные в плоскость стен, и простой квадратный абрис кровати... Ничего лишнего. Автор позволила себе одно яркое цветовое пятно - антикварный сундук терракотового цвета в изножье кровати. Общее настроение философского спокойствия и относительно сдержанный декор мы встретим еще в одном помещении этого дома - кабинете хозяина.Nina Prudnikova: "Strict function and bright decorativeness - are things incompatible in principle? We don’t think so. Our project, under the working title East-West, united both. But our customers initially believed that modern comfortable interior simply obliges them in minimalism. "