FRATELLI RADICE factory (the name translates as “Brothers Radice”) specializes in classic furniture of the highest quality, which is confirmed by numerous certificates. Thus, the Italian Chamber of Commerce awarded her the title of Maestro Dell’Arte

Text: Marina Volkova
A photo: Pavel Pshenichny, Maurizio Tosto, Luca Tremolada
Magazine: de Luxe Classic N1 2013
In 1920, in his workshop, the sculptor Adolfo Radice began making furniture. His sons Gianfranco and Carlo, those same fratelli, brothers Radiche, immortalized in the name of the brand, in the 1960s brought production to a new level, with a big scale. The factory produced furniture in the style of the Napoleonic Empire, which Brianza, where the production is located, was famous since the XIX century. For such a situation aristocrats from all over Europe came here. Over time, the model range of the factory has expanded significantly, now there is even an Art Deco line.