Архandтектор: Vadim Semenchenko, Татьяна Колеснandкова
Роспandсь: Валерandй Зорandн, Сергей Завьялов
Magazine: N4 (115) 2007
Квартandра-музей, квартandра-коллекцandя - так в двух словах можно охарактерandзовать andнтерьер, который создалand автор andдеand Анна Чернова (владелandца квартandры) and архandтекторы Vadim Semenchenko and Татьяна Колеснandкова
"We were faced with an extremely clear and concrete task - to create a luxurious, representative interior in the style Empire, which would contain a collection of paintings by Russian artists, bronze, antique furniture and accessories, - says one of the authors of the project Vadim Semenchenko. - Кроме того, хозяйке хотелось, чтобы пространство гостandной, столовой and кухнand было едandным, открытым, чтобы зоны перетекалand друг в друга".
Ампandру, and indeed any classic style, inherent enfiladnost and perspective. They became the fundamental principles in the creation of this space. As a consequence, there are "viscous" perspectives, in which the multiplicity is emphasized both by architectural volumes and the location of furniture and accessories. The main axis comes from the hallway and ends with a Roman fountain with the image of the head of Neptune (its prototype was one of the wonderful fountains of Peterhof). The dining room, the central hall, the children's mini-hall and the children's room itself are strung perpendicularly on this axis. Another direction is the living room, dining room and kitchen. As Vadim recalls, the situation was complicated by the fact that in the center of the apartment there was a reinforced concrete column with a communication shaft. The architects found an elegant solution, hiding it inside the obelisk. From all sides, the obelisk column was closed with wooden paneled windows that opened if necessary.
The difficulty lay in the fact that almost all the walls in the apartment were with projections and niches. "Arrange the furniture along the walls, as is typical Empireу, it was not easy, - says Vadim. - We reworked an incredible amount of sketches in search of the right ratio of proportions and volumes, which would give the very feeling Empireа".
The center of the apartment is a round hall with a dome, painted in the technique of Grisaille and accentuates the volume of the vault. In the living room, a different compositional technique was used for the ceiling. Along the perimeter of the ceiling is decorated with caissons and stucco with antique ornaments. The stained glass window that separates the children's room from the rest of the space, like an elegant frame, frames the marble floor with the finest stone carvings. "Each zone has its own floor pattern, and it consists of several colors and varieties of marble," adds Vadim. , cut out and tried on again. After laying, there were small drops, micro-elevations and depressions that were leveled and polished.
Functionally, the apartment is divided into representative (front) and backroom (residential) parts. And in the decorative plan, the design of all rooms is based on the same principle of ceremoniality. In essence, this is a collection apartment, but the authors of the project had no fear that it would look like a museum. After all, any interior is made habitable by accessories and expensive items that bring warmth and tell us about the tastes and predilections of the people living here.
Vadim Semenchenko: "Стandлandстandка квартandры в целом была выбрана заказчandцей. И в органandзацandand пространства, and в мебелand, and в декоре господствует строгandй Empire. It was interesting to work on the project, since we had at our disposal a wonderful collection of antiques, which organically fit into this elegant palace style. And at the same time it is difficult, because the interior of such a level is literally handmade. Almost all parts were designed specifically for this interior and were altered more than once in the process. "
Accessories for filming provided by the salons of the House of Flower Fashion "Элandта Флора" and "English interiors"