Visiting the head of the factory Mechini

Text: Nikolay Fedyanin
A photo: Ivan Sorokin
Magazine: N5 (171) 2012
Family Mecini moved to a new home about eight years ago. Andrea says that the main requirement for the interior was the ultimate functionality. “I needed a house in which it would be comfortable to live with two children, three cats and a dog,” he jokes. It seems that by the same principle the house itself was chosen: across the street there is a school where Andrea’s son walks, and a little further away there is a football field where the local football team, in which Andrea plays, plays. The team, by the way, is quite successful in defending the honor of the town of Montefridolfi.
The entire first floor of the house is occupied by a large living room with a fireplace, combined with an entrance hall. Visually, the spaces are highlighted in color. The living room is dominated by gray tones, and the dining room walls are painted in color, which in Italy is called Florentine yellow. And it is no coincidence. Although Andrea Mechini lives near Florence, the factory
The only chandelier in the house
By the way, on the second floor of the house, in the bedroom, we found another lamp factory
I ask if Andrea plans to release modern chandeliers. “No way,” he says. - Our factory has its own style, and I want to keep it. In general, innovation does not have to be catchy. In 2007, we were the first, or at least one of the first manufacturers of classic-style chandeliers, who began using LEDs to illuminate Murano glass colors. Of course, this is innovation, but within the framework of style. ”