New baltic architecture

Baltic-Electro office in Riga, Ingurd Lazdins, Erwin Timofeev

Passing the gallery

A photo: Evgeny Luchin

Leading headings: Julia Shaginurova

Text: Yuri Zhuzhin

Project author: Erwin Timofeev, Ingurds Lazdins, Janis Kravalis

Magazine: N10 (66) 2002

The office building of the Baltic-Electro company in Riga combines tough industrial style with elements of high design. A minimum of decoration, maximum functionality and expressiveness are the main principles that guided the authors of the project. There is a certain irony in the fact that a company selling electrical equipment is located in a building where natural light is so important. The glass facade of complex shape is the main style-forming element of the building. In combination with the finished metal structures of which the object is built, the convex stained glass windows of the facade form an integral composition. According to the architects, the tense shape of the facade should remotely resemble a flask of an electric lamp, especially in the dark, when the building is illuminated from the inside. The style is defined by expressive contrast of the supporting structure and private elements - furniture, interior details. Inside a large volume (both the office and the company's warehouse are located in the building), it was necessary to create a comfortable working environment. To solve this problem, the Baltic architects have designed a room with flowing volumes, large open halls, dominant natural light. The result was a modern European project, in which a carefully thought-out, balanced solution is successfully combined with expression and innovation.