Каждый огородник не раз сталкивается с такой проблемой, как тля. These насекомые на протяжении многих веков атакуют наши посадки, подвергая их болезни и увяданию. Тля живёт на стеблях всех плодовых деревьях, растениях и цветах, в буквальном смысле выпивая все соки из листьев.
As a rule, after infection with aphids, the plant begins to wither and soon dies. If you do not take action, then your landing is likely to disappear.
- 1 The first signs of aphids appearing on cucumbers
- 1.1 Types of aphids
- 1.2 Initial treatment of greenhouse and soil to prevent infection of aphids cucumbers
- 2 Types of struggle with aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse
- 2.1 Organic way
- 2.2 Chemical methods of dealing with aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse
The first signs of aphids appearing on cucumbers
Usually aphids can be observed in mid-July, early August, but in greenhouse conditions, it appears earlier. Cucumbers are one of the favorite delicacies of these insects, so you should pay special attention to this culture. The first signs of the appearance of aphids are twisting of the leaves, yellowing and falling off of the leaves, flowers and ovaries on the shoot. Aphids tend to settle on the inside of the leaf, so it is extremely difficult to notice its presence in the initial stage of infection. You should thoroughly look through the shoots and lower leaflets to see it.
Types of aphids
Aphid, this small insect 1.5-2.5 mm, has a dark green, black and yellow color. On her tiny head there is a strong mouth and proboscis, with which she pierces the surface of the sheet. One of the ways of movement of these small insects is ants, which carry them around the site. Aphid has one peculiarity; its body releases “honeydew”, a sweetish liquid. Ants seize their colonies, drink the liquid they excrete and transport it from one bush to another on themselves. Aphids reproduce extremely quickly, so the infected area becomes a kind of pasture.
There are several types of aphids:
- Shoot (gooseberry);
- Large (potato);
- Ordinary (grain);
- Leaf (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin);
- Redcurrant;
- Gray (prefers apple trees);
- Brown (prefer pear).
Initial processing of greenhouse and soil to prevent cucumber infection with aphids
The first and most important way to prevent infection is the preparation of greenhouses and soil before planting seedlings:
- Cleaning greenhouses - usually I do this cleaning in the fall, clearing the ground from weeds, remnants of stems, loosening the ground and clearing plants from the roots;
- Disinfection work inside the greenhouse and soil - this procedure is carried out in late February or early March.
Quite often females of aphids and its larvae winter in the greenhouse, therefore it is necessary to carry out preventive works. Three types of greenhouse, greenhouse and ground disinfection:
- Biological type;
- Chemical;
- Temperature.
Types of struggle with aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse
Because the main carrier or on the site are ants first you need to get rid of them. To do this, you can use antwrack crayons or other popular or chemical methods.
Natural the enemies of aphids are ladybugs and its larvae, flies, wasps, birds, as well as some plants that scare these parasites, such as basil, coriander, parsley, dill and leaf mustard.
Organic way
Often many gardeners prefer folk pest control methods, to be completely sure that nothing threatens their cucumbers and these actions will not harm either the fruit or the sprouts themselves. Such methods operate quite effectively at an early stage, do not have side effects, quickly decompose and do not collect in the soil and plants, as well as completely harmless to both humans and the plant culture itself.
Several types of natural infusions for fighting with aphids on cucumbers:
- Garlic infusion - finely chopped garlic (500−600 gg.) Pour 3 liters of water and insist 5 days. This infusion is bred approximately 60 years. 10 liters of water, then begin to spray the leaves of the plant and watered the ground;
- Dandelion infusion - fresh leaves and dandelion roots (400−500 years) finely crushed and pour 10 liters of water. Insist this solution for 3 hours, then boldly treat the infected area;
A solution of household soap and wood ash - in a 10 liter container with water, 2–3 tablespoons of ash are added and 200 years are rubbed. soap. Thoroughly mixed until complete dissolution, you can start spraying and watering;
- Infusion of celandine - the dried leaves of the celandine (300−350 gg.) Finely ground in 10 liters of water, incubated for 2−3 days, then filtered and proceed to watering;
- Soda solution - this solution will also need soap. At 1 liter of water diluted with 1 tablespoon of calcined salt and 50 years. grated soap, stir until dissolved.
Also for solutions, you can use onions, tobacco, yarrow, tomato leaves and other sharp plants. Of course, one spraying and watering is not enough, so these procedures should be carried out once a week to be sure of their effectiveness.
If the infection is at the earliest stage, you can manually cut the leaves with aphids and burn them. After cleaning is finished, it is advisable to thoroughly wash the plant with a strong jet of water.
Chemical methods of dealing with aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse
Depending on how large the area was struck by aphids and how many cucumber beds are already subject to its attacks, you should choose the method of fighting it. In case the folk remedies no longer help, the current market can provide a huge selection of chemicals. It should be given special attention to the actions of such funds. Often these drugs can not be used already on fruiting plants.
It is advisable to treat cucumbers in a greenhouse before a flower or ovary is formed on the sprout.. These funds are extremely toxic and harmful to plants, so they should be resorted to carefully and following all safety measures. It is necessary to read the annotations of the chosen means very carefully and in no case experiment with the dosage.
There is a huge amount of funds to combat aphids and other small pests on cucumbers:
- Bitoxibacillin;
- Actinophytes;
- Decis;
- Kinmix;
- Arrivo.
These Biological preparations are recommended for use during the growth of cucumbers.. They are very effective and quickly lead to the desired result. They need to process the plant 2−3 times throughout the growth. It is not recommended to use them for 20−25 days before the formation and growth of the fetus.
The same there are other equally effective biological agents:
There are some drugs that do not destroy the lamb immediately, and infect her with diseases and within a week she dies. This type of fighting is also effective, moreover, they are harmless to beneficial insects and do not greatly harm your cucumbers.
These include the following biological agents:
- Arrow;
- blasphemy
- Peretrum;
- Etnobakterin.
To destroy aphid eggs you can use:
- Integer;
- Shar Pei;
- Carbofos.
It is advisable to stop using these anti-aphids for a month before picking cucumbers.
Because there are different types of aphids, and the perception of poisons is not always the same., therefore, before proceeding with the treatment of the entire infected area, you should choose the best option. To do this, simply select a small area, spray it and observe the results.
Once you have decided on how to control these pests Remember that it is better to prevent infection than to deal with the consequences. Neglecting the timely processing and cleaning of the greenhouse, the land is not worth it. Because how seriously you approach this problem, the integrity and health of your crop depends. The more carefully you monitor the appearance of parasites, the less likely you will be to infect your crops.
Необходимо регулярно пропалывать и обрабатывать грядки и тогда, ваши огурцы будут здоровыми и вкусными. Also следует проводить своевременные профилактические обработки листвы слабыми органическими растворами и тогда тля и другие паразиты просто не смогут незаметно подкрасться к вашим посадкам.