Beautiful and well-groomed view of your garden plot can be improved with the help of paving slabs. This durable, durable and beautiful material has long been used for construction purposes. There is a huge selection of paving slabs on the construction market, so you can easily choose the right option.
- 1 Types of paving slabs
- 2 How to choose paving tiles for gardening
- 3 Cheap options for paving tiles to give
- 4 How to lay a track out of paving slabs with your own hands
- 4.1 Laying technology:
Types of paving slabs
The paving slabs are made of a mixture of cement and sand or concrete with granite chips. Allot 2 types of tiles:
- vibroplate;
- вибропрессованную.
Production vibroplate tile perform as follows. A mixture of concrete is poured into a special form of plastic, then put on the table, which is in continuous vibration. There, the mixture is compacted, and then put it in a warm place. for 12 hours. После чего плитку можно извлекать из формы. Благодаря этой технологии плитка получается гладкой, её можно изготовить любой формы и фактуры. Полученную плитку можно окрашивать в различные цвета. Однако у vibroplate tile имеются limitations:
- low strength;
- low frost resistance;
- long manufacturing technology;
- high price.
Other manufacturing techniques of paving slabs - вибропосредование. A mixture of concrete poured into the mold, which is located on the base of the equipment. At the same time the car is in constant motion. The punch exerts constant pressure on the mixture until it is fully compacted.
В отличие от vibroplate tile, пресованная характеризуется отсутствием различных форм, цветов и гладкой поверхности. Зато плитка, изготовленная по этой технологии, отличается high strengthfrost resistance. In addition, pressed tiles have a porous surface, great for laying on those areas where there is active traffic. With its help, you can create various original ornaments.
Cost of cast tiles will be much higher pressed. This is explained by the fact that the production of cast tiles is based on manual labor, and this increases the cost price by several times. The production technology of pressed tiles is based on automation, which significantly affects the time of manufacture of the material.
How to choose paving tiles for gardening
Is of paramount importance manufacturing material. When buying, you should pay attention to the label, which indicates the composition of the solution and production technology.
To choose a tile you need to determine the place of its laying. If this is the place to enter the car, then a vibrating pressed tile 4.5 cm thick would be better.
Cast tiles Great for laying garden paths, in small places with less busy traffic. Its thickness must be at least 3 cm.
External parameters of a tile can differ considerably. Decide on whether you need a smooth or rough surface. Color may be saturated cheap dyeswhich make the surface loose over time. To check the quality of the material, you can conduct a small experiment. For this you need to hit two blocks between each other. If the sound is ringing, then the tile is of high quality, if it is deaf, then various mixtures are added to the solution.
When buying a tile, inspect the entire tile. If there are stains on the outside, then sand and clay. The tile can have a heterogeneous composition. To check this, it should be split and see if it has any clots.
If you need an aesthetic look, various geometric shapes and colors, then you should choose cast tile If the duration of operation is important, then the best and best option is pressed tile.
Cheap options for paving tiles to give
Various and inexpensive forms of laying will create a beautiful path in front of the house or in the garden. There are the following tile options:
- The stone blocks is the strongest and durable material. These are ordinary bricks without a pattern. They are easy to fit diagonally or in a circle.
- Tile in the form of a maple leaf or clover. This tile will give the site an interesting shape and beautiful appearance.
- Pavement wave tile when laying has an unusual and pleasant pattern.
- Coil shaped tiles looks unusual and attractive.
- Pavement scale tiles differs in simplicity of laying, a variety of color scale.
Any form of tiles will create a well-groomed and beautiful view of the summer cottage. With their help, you can create various interesting drawings that will delight not only you, but also those around you.
How to lay a track out of paving slabs with your own hands
Tiles can be laid out on their own, it will save money. The track of our own production is one hundred percent quality guarantee and durability of the material. You can create exclusive ornaments yourself. Making tiles pretty laborious processwhich requires the implementation of clearly defined rules and consists of several stages.
You will need the following tools and materials:
- cement;
- sand;
- water;
- hammer;
- metal pegs;
- electric drill with nozzle mixer;
- Master OK;
- the rule;
- shovel;
- level;
- plastic molds (in the form of a rectangle or square);
- buckets;
- point.
Laying technology:
- First you need prepare a solution. To do this, we dilute cement and sand in a bucket in a 1: 3 ratio. Pour in water and mix slowly.
- Then follows make a form. The formwork size can be 35 × 35 cm and the height is about 7 cm. To make the tile easier to move away, the walls of the mold can be oiled Optionally, you can add dyes, then the tile will not be gray.
- Make a trowel to make the surface even and leave to dry. You need to choose a place that did not fall on the tile Sun rays. A week later, the tile can be removed, but it is too early to lay. She needs to dry out some more time.
When the tile is ready, you can proceed to styling. First, you need to prepare the foundation. Remove grass, bumps, bumps
etc. - Laying can be done on concrete, sand, crushed stone base or on the ground.
- A mixture of sand and cement fill in the place where the tile will be located. Push it with your hands and stretch the rule. As a result, you should have a straight strip about 20 cm thick.
- Then do slopes and gutters for rainwater and set the curb.
- Next stage: laying the underlying layer. You can take the sand, but without clay. Install the slats to level the surface.
- Next, proceed to paving walkway. You can choose any method of paving: "braid", "herringbone", in a semicircle, randomly
etc. - Spacing between tiles fill with sand or fill with soilif you want to sow grass.
There is another way to tile. Just install the formwork in the place where the track will be, pour the solution into it, then tightly tamp and level with a trowel. Prepare and level the base. After a few days, install the form in another place and act on the same technology. This method is quite simple, but then you have to make a large number of wooden formwork.
Putting a tile at home is quite simple, you just need to perform the corresponding rules and recommendations.