Garden swing at the dacha

Garden swingSummer. Heat. Shady coolness of a green garden, located next to the house. Light refreshing breeze with a smooth swing swing. Bliss and calm. Rest for body and soul. “Everything is forgotten. Heart breaks out of the chest. Only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead. ” Pleasant childhood memories forever bumped into the memory not only by visual images. The unique feeling of weightlessness and flight, developing the vestibular apparatus and a sense of coordination in space. A simple miracle called swing.

Acquisition и установка домашних качелей на частной территории исполняет далекие мечты детства. Именно качели являются непременным атрибутом садового или дачного designа, добавляя в окружающую атмосферу настроение романтики и комфорта, а также возможность максимального отдыха даже у себя дома.


  • 1 Options swing for the garden
  • 2 How to make a swing with your own hands
    • 2.1 Basic materials for creating a swing:
    • 2.2 Basic tools for work:
  • 3 Swing assembly technology
  • 4 Swing your own hands из подручных материалов
  • 5 Placement of garden swings

Options swing for the garden

Garden swing optionsDiversity стилистических решений, в том числе и необычный design природного ландшафта у себя на дачном или садовом участке, в наше время возможны благодаря качественному развитию отраслей, отвечающих за появление множества новейших материалов и предметов мебели для создания комфорта человека. По последним тенденциям производство садового гарнитура становится довольно востребованным и модным направлением.

Given the growing demand for such items outdoor the interior around the house, manufacturers offer a huge number of different options for garden swings, which differ in some parameters.

Allocate the main kinds:

  • by purpose and possible withstand load: children and adults,
  • по designу и материалу изготовления: деревянные, metal, кованые, пластиковые,
  • on mounting options: suspended, floor.

In families with babies are often purchased children Garden swing. They are equipped with a reliable mechanism against unintentional folding, durable, stable. As a species, they can have one or several seats, being fixed on a special children's dacha area. In principle, these are the main differences between the swings for children and adults.

Popular models such as swing sofas. They are able to fold out like a sofa book, in the configuration are soft seats and backs, as well as a small canopy in the form of a roof, allowing you to admire the vagaries of nature while sitting outside. It is possible to install such swings within the house, then for the owners there is a backup option with two berths in case of unexpected or necessary arrival of relatives even in the cold season.

Forged качели, как разновидность металлических, отличаются необыкновенной красотой ручной работы с ажурными узорами и невесомыми на вид деталями. Особенно эффектно будут смотреться в комплекте с другими интерьерными предметами — скамейками, столом, фонарями, стойками и подобными designерскими мелочами.

Wooden Garden furniture is universal for any green corner. Log, carved or hammock swing, made of wood, are distinguished by a special style and harmony of unity with nature.

Fantasy artist - the creator is limitless. The choice is very diverse and remains only for the future owner of the swing, reflecting his personal characteristics and passions.

How to make a swing with your own hands

Swing your own handsCurrently, the market offers a huge variety of products and materials for every taste and color. And garden swings are no exception. Exist finished decisions of such country furniture, differing in the cost and execution of materials. However, if neither the price nor the quality suits, the only way out will be creature swing with his own hands. And it is quite simple and inexpensive. The main thing is ingenuity, desire, several metal pipes, wooden boards, a welding machine and a set of tools.

Basic materials for creating a swing:

  • Main frame the swing is constructed of iron pipes, the diameter of which is determined by the future load, that is, for single beds you will need a pipe from 35 mm in diameter, for a swing by a bench type - from 50 mm. The supports can be made of wooden posts.
  • For the strength of the future design and fixation of the seats, strips of metal with a thickness of 5 mm or more are needed; steel corner from 3 mm; steel rods with a diameter of 7 mm, ball bearings, rope, chain or rope.
  • Future the seat and the back can be made of wood, iron sheet, or use a ready-made chair of the required size.
  • Paint your favorite color, as well as varnishes and other anti-corrosion agents will finish the look and will keep swing for a long time.
  • Concrete is required for stability and support fixing solution.

Main tools for work:

  • Bulgarian (hacksaw)
  • Shovel
  • Welding machine
  • Hammer, Vise
  • Pencil
  • Metal brush for pipe stripping before painting

Swing assembly technology

Build a swingWhen the idea of ​​a garden swing is ripe in your head, it's time to move project на бумагу. Первое, с чего начинают — планировка сидения, расчет возможной нагрузки на frame, определение способа и параметров крепежа.

Options planting the places are varied: from one place to the whole sofa up to 2 meters long. The material can be made of wood, steel, and the seat can be hung either on ordinary ropes or using metal rods on ball bearings or chains.

Когда the seatполностью готово, самое время приступать к сооружению устойчивого frameа and mounting systems.

Usually support бывает, А или П-образной формы. А-образный frame более устойчив, П-образная его форма менее громоздкая, но требует дополнительного закрепления в виде металлических уголков на уровне земли размерами до 1 метра. Сборка frameных труб более надежна с использованием сварки, но теряется возможность разбора сооружения, ее перенос для смены места расположения будет более проблематичен. Дополнительно можно использовать metal strips like crossbars in struts.

The supports themselves are driven into the ground at a distance of up to 80 cm and poured with concrete.

Между местом сидения и frameом необходимо минимальное расстояние в полметра для будущей security and avoidance of traumatic hand injuries when rocking.

The seat should also be suspended at a height of no more than 50 cm from the ground.

If the swing is thought like portable, the design provides for several pins from the reinforcement, which are driven into the ground during installation or pulled out when changing their location.

Закрепление сидения на frameе с помощью троса или веревки производится с помощью анкерных крючков и гаек. Крючки при желании также можно сделать самостоятельно.

Roof or a swing shed will also be useful, protecting it from bad weather or from the scorching summer sun.

Для большей security обычно используются стальные прутья для крепления сидения, в том числе и для увеличения прочности в случае деревянного дна planting места.

Конечно, creature качелей — процесс достаточно labour intensive, but with the proper approach and the observance of the main stages of their design, you can make a good place for recreation, pleasing yourself and your family.

Swing your own hands из подручных материалов

Master swing yourselfIf you really want to have a swing on your site, then you can to make the simplest of what is available. For example, if there is a pallet of wood, secured on each side with a strong rope, and a big tree as a place where they can be fixed. Instead of a tree, you can install poles. For more comfort, you should add soft pillows or a mattress. And you can swing!

For convenience, you can fix the back.

As another option - use the board, which should be drilled in the corners, thread the rope and secure the swing on a strong branch or build supports themselves.

As a seat, you can use the most unexpected options such as skate or snowboard, durable material for the hammock chair, even fit your age tires. Tire, rope, support, and swing ready. The tire can be fixed either vertically on one side or horizontally on both sides. Instead of a rope, a rope or a chain will do. Support can be made as wooden, having previously processed wood, and from metal pipes.

No need to buy for a good time. finished, sometimes costly swings, sometimes you should be smart, turn on your imagination, and the interesting design of the summer cottage is ready. It only remains to come up with a good location for such a novelty.

Placement of garden swing

Swing placementIt turns out that it is not enough just to buy or make a swing. It is also important to successfully to arrange. There are certain rules for installing such garden structures. Above all, convenience and safety must be respected.

It is not recommended to install a swing on walkways, near fountains, as well as near a flower bed or lawn. The most optimal place for the swing - flat and open area.

Swing, like other garden furniture, will help to change the landscape design beyond recognition. The unusual shape of the side support, cushions, awning, bright cheerful and rich shades of the upholstery, the addition of a swing with other garden furniture and equipment in a single composition will add originality and grace to the whole site, reflecting the taste of its owner through a similar stylistic decision.

Swing, with proper location and caring for them, will long delight their owners, allowing more than one generation of the family to be carried away on the wings of the wind, despite the laconic design or super modern technical construction.