Alain gilles and the "big table"

Belgian designer - about nature, industry and interior landscape

Passing the gallery

Interview prepared: Olga Korotkova

Portrait photo: Olga Korotkova

A photo: - Bonaldo, Alain Gilles

Magazine: N4 (148) 2010

Designer Alain Gilles lives in Brussels, one of the most amazing and "designer" cities in the world. Moreover, his name is increasingly found at exhibition sites in France, Italy, and the USA.

Alain Gilles he once studied politics and an administrator and worked in his specialty - in the banking system. His passion for design was something of a secret love for him — solid, hopeless, exciting. Would he be a clerk and manager. However, at some point, his wife insisted that Alain return to his passion and take them seriously. Then followed years of study in France, where he studied industrial design, then several years of internship at various design bureaus. In 2007, Alain opens his own office and begins his own path in the history of design. At the end of 2009, his Big Table was created for BONALDOHe received the Good Design Award and was honored to become an exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Architecture and Design.

S: Tell us about the idea of ​​the Big Table.

- I really like the idea of ​​such a "strange" table. Most of all it looks like a workbench, is not it? In any case, he is not smart, not smart, and not like everyone else, that's for sure. His legs are out of tune. Actually this discord is apparent. The table has an amazing architectural idea. The further you move away from the table, the more noticeable it is. The table begins to resemble a bridge support, a building, or a geometric sculpture ... And if you slowly walk around the table to view it from different sides, you will understand that there are no two identical views. This idea is not exhausted. Next is the color. I conceived this product as a thing with an almost endless variety of color feed. Painted in different colors or the same, the metal will manifest itself differently in the interior. Or go into the shade (more business version of the table), or act as a bright, dynamic center of the composition. The same idea lies at the heart of Tectonic tables - the idea of ​​mobility, interior mobility. I call it the thought of nature, and for me it is the main thing in industrial design. Note: worktops mimic the shape of a cell of a cell and are beautifully composed with each other. Furniture, furnishings should create a home landscape: from the same things you can collect different pictures.

S: In three words, what is good design for you?

- Architectural, unexpected, modern. Architecture is a line and volume, beauty. Suddenly - it means unusual, original. And modern is to mix different materials and approaches. For example, wood, warm material, - and metal. The perfect material for a good product is plastic. These are things that can be "republished." Plastic can be used again and again, it is humane.