Work on the improvement of cottages or country site begins with the installation of fencing. The fence allows you to designate the territory of the owner, gives a sense of security to the owner of the site, allows you to secure the house and property.
The presence of the fence is an integral part of the architectural design of the entire site. It can be built from concrete, brick, wood, or chain-link mesh. But the most popular material for the construction of the fence is profiled.
- 1 What is a fence of corrugated
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of the fence of corrugated board
- 3 Types of sheeting
- 4 Cost and characteristics of fences
- 5 Technology of construction of the fence of corrugated
- 6 Features of repair and maintenance of the fence
What is a fence of corrugated
Fence of corrugated — это сплошное ограждение из металлических профилированных листов, обустроенное around the perimeter plot. In terms of strength and durability, such a fence is not inferior to reinforced concrete or brick, but has significantly lower cost. Its strength allows you to reliably protect the dacha from the strong wind, the penetration of thieves and stray animals.

Construction of a fence from a professional flooring is made in a short time and does not require больших затрат strength, special skills and abilities. These circumstances contribute to the fact that such a fence can be successfully build by yourself saving on this significant funds.
Fences from a professional flooring perfectly recommended themselves and therefore occupy a worthy place in the market of fences and fences.
Advantages and disadvantages of the fence of corrugated board
The main advantages of the fence are as follows:
strength and rigidity of the structure;
- practicality and versatility;
- good sound insulation that can significantly reduce the noise level from external sources;
- low cost;
- attractive appearance;
- high fire safety;
- wide choice of the sizes and types a professional flooring;
- wide color gamut of a polymeric covering of a professional flooring;
- no need for painting;
- long service life (15 - 30 years);
- short construction time;
- ease of installation and maintenance.
In addition to the advantages of the profiled sheeting there are some disadvantages:
- large sail;
- low moisture resistance;
- unsightly appearance;
- structural elements of the fence (columns, transverse lags), made of ferrous metal, are subject to corrosion.
Types of sheeting
Decking представляет собой оцинкованные steel sheets with a wavy surface covered in various ways. Profiling sheet gives them extra rigidity and increases their ability to withstand significant loads for a long time.
Types of professional flooring:
The classic coating is a galvanized layer with a thickness of about 30 microns. it the cheapest type of corrugated board, its price is on average 160 r / m2.
- Polymer coating (plastics or synthetic resin), which is applied over the zinc. This coating provides improved protective properties and has a more attractive appearance (due to the addition of various pigments). Its price is on average equal to 230 p / m2.
- Polyvinyl chloride coating (plastisol) with a thickness of 175 - 200 microns, when applied on both sides, its thickness is 100 microns. Such profiled flooring most stable to mechanical damage, however, is sensitive to direct sunlight, which limits its use in hot climatic zones. At temperatures above 8000C, it loses its properties. Its cost is on average 260 p / m2.
In addition to coating sheeting distinguish the height of the profile sheet width and height. For the construction of the fence using profiled with markings starting with the letter "WITH". For example, marking S18-1500-0,5 means the following:
- With - means a professional flooring for a fence or walls;
- 18 - profile wave height in mm;
- 1500 - sheeting width in mm;
- 0.5 is the thickness of the sheeting in mm.
The choice of sheeting for the fence depends from specific conditions its construction. It is not recommended to use for the construction of the fence corrugated with a profile height of more than 21 mm.
Cost and characteristics of fences
The cost of the fence depends from various factors. Defining are its technical characteristics such as:
- height;
- section length;
- type of material.
For example, the cost of the fence from various materials with a height of 2.5 m, a section length of 3.0 m and an average of:
- netting: 290 - 390 r / pm;
- tree: 1100 - 1350 r / pm;
- brick: 700 - 1900 r / lm;
- reinforced concrete: 4500 - 8450 rubles for the structural element.
To this value you need to add several tens of thousands rubles for the gate, wicket, support columns and transverse lags.
Construction technology of the corrugated fence
For the construction of the fence of corrugated board is necessary prepare in advance The following tools and materials:
- welding machine;
- screwdriver;
- shovel;
- Master OK;
- pipes of appropriate diameter and length;
- professional flooring;
- cement;
- crushed stone;
- sand;
- paint;
- fittings and board (in the case of pouring the foundation).
The construction of the fence begins with accurate calculation its perimeter: the definition of the points of support pillars, wickets and gates. From the height of the fence under construction will depend number of sheets purchased sheeting.

Round pipes (with a diameter of 80 mm and more) or square (cross-section of at least 60 × 60 mm) pipes are used as support pillars. top part which in order to avoid moisture ingress must be welded. To install the pillars with a hand drill, digging holes with a diameter of about 150 mm at a depth of at least one third of the height of the fence. The bottom of the pit is filled with medium gravel with a thickness of 200 mm, a vertical pole is installed there vertically (using a plumb bob), which is poured with concrete (cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 8).
The foundation may also be a belt, for which a trench 30 cm wide corresponding to the height of the depth fence is pulled out. Further from the reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm and formwork from a 150 mm board, a foundation frame is prepared, which is poured with concrete solution. Previously established in such a foundation support columns.
After drying the foundation (at least three days) begins mount transverse lag, as which the profiled pipe with a section of 25 × 40 mm is used. Their number for one span depends on the height of the fence: for a fence 1500 mm high, two lags are enough, from 2000 to 2500 mm - three. The upper and lower logs are mounted at a distance of 300 mm from the bottom (top) of the fence. Lags are attached to the support posts. using electric welding.
After installing the lag for corrosion protection they and support columns are primed and painted.
The final stage is sheet installation sheeting, which are attached to the logs with the help of screws on metal with a wide hat (length 35 mm) with a step of 500 mm. Sheets profiled among themselves overlap and can be stacked both horizontally and vertically.
To give a fence aesthetics and attractiveness supporting posts can be faced with brick or masonry.
Features of repair and maintenance of the fence
Despite the inherent high strength and reliability of a fence made of corrugated flooring, such a fence periodically in need of repair, which needs to be made without delay if even minor defects in the fence are found. Main reasons occurrence of defects are:
- the occurrence of rust or corrosion on the coating (after sandpaper stripping of damaged areas, degreasing and priming in several layers, they are painted or the complete replacement of the sheet of professional flooring);
- low quality of some support pillars, transverse lags or self-tapping screws (their immediate replacement);
- violation of technology during the construction of the fence (elimination of violations);
- soil erosion under the fence (installation of temporary backwaters with subsequent overhaul of the erosion sites).
Fence of corrugated does not require labor-intensive or specific care. However, its operation must take into account the following points:
- because of the pollution accumulated in the set of edges of the corrugated board, in early spring and late autumn the fence is washed with soapy water;
- the surface of the corrugated can not be rubbed with abrasive materials;
- chemically aggressive solvents cannot be used to clean the fence.
Permanent monitoring of the state of the fence and proper care behind him serve as the basis of its long-term operation.