Moscow Avant-garde Yacht Club, Igor Liturinsky, Ronan Leost
Passing the galleryA photo: Konstantin Dubovec
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Designer: Ronan Leost, Igor Liturinsky
Builder: Vladimir Salmin
Magazine: (102)
In the main building of the Avangard yacht club near Moscow, Igor Liturinsky and Ronan Leost designed a bar styled as an American saloon, a Russian-style restaurant and a ballroom. All these rooms are united by a large lobby. The red color of the lobby, according to the authors of the project, was not chosen by chance. It should emphasize the dynamics of the multifunctional space. Murals on the walls, made by artist Natalia Egorova in the journal-comic technique, depict fashionable young people. Since the authors of the project also identify themselves as such, then after looking closely, you can find their art portraits in their own interior.