interior of Next and Pops radio stations in Moscow

A photo: Konstantin Dubovec
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
Project author: Alexey Nikolashin, Alexandra Fedorova
Magazine: (108)
In the building of Novinsky passage, the interior for Next and Pops radio stations was recently completed. The unprecedented idea to make the radio station visible to listeners turned out to be extremely successful. Now everyone who comes to the passage can see behind a large glass showcase how a live DJ, guests of thematic programs, a recording studio work - in general, the entire ethereal kitchen. The authors of the project raised the floor in the studios by 25 cm - to create the effect of the scene (in full view all the same!) And for liner communications. The role of the sound reflector played a white broken tape from Koriana®. This tape, closed in a ring, not only unites two studios at once, but also serves as a workplace for a DJ, for presenters and for guests of the air.
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