Store "KB" in St. Petersburg Alexander Romanchuk, Andrei Yuukin, Alexei Levchuk
Passing the gallery
Text: Olga Gvozdeva
Leading headings: Nina Farizova
A photo: Alexey Tikhonov
Project author: Alexei Levchuk, Alexander Romanchuk, Andrei Yuukin
Computer graphics: Oksana Bilan
Magazine: N6 (84) 2004
"Smart" in recent times are not only at home. In St. Petersburg there was a store "KB" (Prospect Chernyshevsky, d. 2), conceived by the authors of the project as interactive. Each of the four groups of goods (this is plumbing, ceramic tiles, porcelain dishes and home accessories) has its own pictogram - a graphic image that helps buyers navigate the sales area. The space is divided horizontally and vertically into thematic segments, with color playing the main role here. In order to get from the cookware department to the plumbing department, you should go from the light green to the red zone. Such an appeal with space is inherent in the concept of the store, because even the name - “KB” - everyone is free to interpret in his own way.