As a rule, the garden plot, in the organization of which the landscape designer took part, amazes with the beauty and individuality of adult guests and neighbors, and it turns out to be absolutely boring and uninteresting for hanging out the child.
Everyone knows that small (and not so) children need an eye and an eye. Where are the parents doing their own business, if a very curious chadushka tries to do a survey of a flower bed with prickly roses or visit an alpine slide with the aim of a thorough revision of the stones lying there. And already a deep pond with goldfish and generally virgin virgin lands for a young tracker.
All these elements of garden design - flower beds, slides, ponds - not only are absolutely uninteresting for children, they can bear considerable danger to a small child. Therefore, in order to make the rest comfortable for adults and pleasant and safe for children, it is possible and necessary to create a nursery on the site pad.
- 1 Types of playgrounds
- 2 Выбор territories для детской площадки, dimensions
- 3 Technology construction of the playground
- 4 Elements needed at the playground
- 5 Dressing a playground
Types of playgrounds
Ведущие детские психологи 20 столетия Мария Монтессори и Антон Макаренко, основываясь на многолетних наблюдениях и исследованиях, утверждали, что детские игры растут и углубляются вместе с взрослением ребенка. At организации детской площадки этот принцип следует считать главной направляющей и в зависимости от age child form a place for independent games and activities.
В зависимости от age детские площадки могут быть подразделены на 3 kind of.
- Children возрастной категории 3-5 years. This is the age of the owner and individualist. For a 3-year-old child, a small sandbox and maybe a spring-loaded rocking chair will be enough. In a year, you can equip this set with a swing or a carousel. By 5 years it will be interesting to child to occupy a small house or to go for a drive from a hill. It will be a very smart decision to provide a platform with some kind of intellectual elements - a drawing board, scores or an alphabet.
- Children в возрасте 6−12 years old. There comes the age of collective games and activities. For children of this age, you can create the most interesting and exciting playgrounds. There can be anything: rockets, spaceports, locks
etc. So children will be interested in slides, pipes, ropes, horizontal bars, climbing nets. If finances allow, you can set up a table for tennis, organize a playground for playing basketball, and you can also realize the long-cherished dream of a beloved child about trampoline. - Children from 12 years old. In children of this age, the playground smoothly changes status to the sports ground: exercise equipment, bar, vertical ladders
etc. All this will help teenagers release their accumulated energy.
Выбор territories для детской площадки, dimensions
Territory для детской площадки выбирают с учетом определенных правил security, технических условий, элементов эстетики и ландшафтного дизайна.
To the rules security should include the following:
- All embedded elements (supports for swings, a house, horizontal bars
etc. ) should be well deepened and fixed. - All elements of wood on the site must be carefully polished, covered with durable paint and varnish.
- Comfortable and safe cover or lawn will save the child from injury.
At выборе territories should be guided by the safety of children and the convenience of parents. The children's play area should be located as far as possible from the outbuildings and in the immediate field of view of the parents. The game zone should be well lit, but designed so that during the daylight hours it goes into the shade for several hours. If for some reason this cannot be done, a canopy is being built over the children's area or a tent is being tied up.
It is very important and desirable to pay attention to the direction wind on the site and try to protect the playing area from drafts by a hedge or some other construction made of safe materials. It is unacceptable to arrange a platform in the shade, in the lowlands or on the north side of the slopes: the snow melts there more slowly, and after the rain the earth dries out more slowly.
If we talk about the area of the playground, then there should be taken into account dimensions all game elements located on it and the distance for their safe operation. For example, in front of some stairs, ramps, slides there should be a small runway. Around the dynamic elements of the children's complex (swings, carousels, balance weights) it is necessary to provide a safety zone at least 2 meters wide.
The name of the game element | Required area (m²) |
Swing | 15 |
Carousel | 20 |
Rocking spring | 8−10 |
The hill | 15 |
At calculations it must be borne in mind that the installation of the finished complex will take a smaller area than the disparate elements.
Construction technology of the playground
Territory, на которой предполагается организовать детскую pad, надо предварительно обследовать на предмет наличия в грунте острых режущих и колющих предметов. Далее надо убедиться, что вблизи и на territories площадки нет опасных для жизни и здоровья ребенка растений. К этой категории относят растения, выделяющие токсичные запахи, травы и кустарники с ядовитым соком или плодами (ландыш, тис, пузыреплодник), цветы с острыми шипами
Plot for the playground need alignso that there are no dimples and irregularities. As a cover the best option would be a lawn. If possible, you must choose varieties resistant to trampling. You can also use artificial materials (rubber coating), but children will still reach for living grass, so it is better to use artificial covering only in sports areas.
If for some reason it is not possible to plant a lawn with special mixtures, then you just need to cut existing grass cover and make sure that there are no spikes and nightshade with poisonous fruits in the grass.
Elements required on the playground
After the place is selected and prepared for work, it is necessary to determine what items will be needed by the child.
- Sandbox. An essential element for a child up to 7 years. Options for creating sandboxes great variety. Boards can be made of almost everything: from boards, rubber wheels, log cuts, bricks
etc. The sand must be clean, and so that it does not mix with the ground over time, you can put geotextiles under it. You can immediately provide a cover to protect the children's sandbox from rain and pet visits. - Battle cars cars, trains, cabins. All this can be built from scrap materials: old boards, doors. If there is a welding machine, you can weld metal constructions of machines or trailers.
- Swing. When constructing this structure, it is necessary to take care of a reliable fixation of attachment points. The reliability of the whole swing can be checked on the weight of an adult. Slats with a seat can be attached to a thick and durable tree branch. If there is no such tree, you need to make a frame - it can be made of wood or metal - and securely fix it in the ground.
- House. Этот элемент пользуется спросом у детей любого age. Для маленьких детей можно соорудить палатку или шалашик из старых покрывал. Если принято решение о строительстве капитальной конструкции из дерева, надо соблюсти все меры security для ребенка. В домике можно установить маленький столик и стульчик, чтобы ребенку было где заниматься своими «секретами».
- Hammock. This item will be in demand by both children and adults. Therefore, it is better to choose a strong and large. It is necessary to fix it, if possible, not very high, so that the child does not get hurt when he gets out of it.
- The hill, also very popular item on the playground. However, to build it yourself is quite difficult, because you need to achieve perfect smoothness. Therefore, this design is better to buy in finished form.
Decorating the playground
Of ideas for the decoration of the playground can howl a great many. Everything is limited only by the imagination of the parents. What, for example, is an idea with an easel of plexiglass. Parents can absolutely not worry that the child will stain furniture or walls with paints. Such an easel washes directly from a watering hose, and, by the way, you can also wash off paints and an “artist”.
And homemade water? To build it is quite simple. You can dig into the ground an old bath, pre-plugged hole to drain the water. The decoration of the banks of a bathroom can be made from a variety of materials: tiles, pebbles, old boards, or planted beautiful plants. Be sure to change the water at least 1 time in 2 weeks.
You can hang on the fence the board and give the child crayons for "creative exploration."
Not a bad idea - a rope bridge or bungee. Such elements will enable the child to have fun, developing physically.
You can build fabulous old tires birds or dragons and decorate them in the most fantastic colors.
No matter what parents build a playground for their child - self-made or purchased a finished structure - the young researcher and tracker will be immensely happy and allow his parents to set aside a little time for themselves.