A private house and a large garden area is not only an area where you can relax and unwind, but also a place where many embody all their wildest fantasies in the field of gardening.
It is possible to decorate the territory with flower beds, shrubs, trees, but the garden arches, which are entwined with grapes or flower-veal, add special decorativeness to the countryside.
- 1 What are the arches
- 2 Of какого of the material лучше выбрать арку
- 2.1 Metal arches
- 2.2 Wooden arches
- 2.3 Stone arches
- 2.4 Plastic arches
- 3 garden arch
- 4 DIY garden arch
What are the arches
Garden arches are various forms and sizes, it all depends on the location of these decorative items. Often the arches are made as the entrance to another zone, which separates the resting place and working space.
Often you can see the arch immediately behind the iron door of the entrance or the arch can become the entrance itself. In fact, it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities. If you decide to save a little, but at the same time to make the interior a bit more unusual, it will fit primitive arch, которая в теплое время года будет полностью закрыта вьющимися растениями. Of вариантов «подороже» может быть: арка из stone, кованого металла, натурального резного дерева.
All arches can be divided into 3 types;
- arched;
- with direct overlap;
- with overlapping in the form of "house".
Individually to order you can make garden arches of the most unusual shape and size.
Of какого of the material лучше выбрать арку
If you decide to decorate your site with flowers-creeps or you want to divide the space into several zones, then do not rush to buy the first arch under your hands. It is important to pay attention to quality and durability. of the material. Below are the most common materials that are used for the construction of garden arches.
Metal arches
Metallic garden arches - a design made for the ages. They are made of thin rods, metal profiles or small, but very strong pipes. The most expensive and beautiful is considered the forged arch. It will cost a lot, but forging and fancy curls will attract the attention of your guests and neighbors in the cottage. A clear advantage of metal arches is the fact that you do not need to specifically choose a place to install or somehow prepare the ground, such an arch can be put on any surface (of course, except concrete), and if there is still a junction of earth and metal filled with cement, then Even a hurricane will not be terrible for your design.
There are metal arches and significant limitations. Every spring they will need to tint so that bare metal does not spoil the corrosion. Although many of the shabby metal just close their eyes. Although corrosion and reduces the service life of the metal arch, but still it can stand several decadesbefore it crumbles completely. The average price for a metal arch is about $ 500.
Wooden arches
Wood Garden arches are an inexpensive design that half amateur gardeners prefer to use in their gardens. The advantage of this arch is its ease of manufacture. Having a hammer, a box of nails, a metal cloth and lining, you can independently make a masterpiece which neighbors and guests will admire. Such an arch you can paint хоть каждый день во все цвета радуги или покрывать лаком для дополнительного блеска — хуже ей от этого точно не станет. Wooden arches делаются из прутьев лозы или пиломатериалов. Вы всегда сможете приспособить новый декор для участка под любое оформление.
Unfortunately, low price the arch speaks for itself - such a product simply cannot be of high quality. The first drawback is the short life span. The second is that the arch of wood must be constantly treated with solutions from bugs and spiders, and also tinted with varnish or paint. Do not forget about the small density of the tree and the small weight of the structure, a strong gust of wind, which can turn your new arch into many wood chips for the fireplace. Price from 100 to 600 dollars.
Stone arches
Garden arches from stone — это вековая стена вашего приусадебного участка. Stone arches смотрятся очень солидно, могут простоять на одном месте несколько веков, не потеряют цвет. Арку не нужно красить, дополнительно подмазывать раствором, защищать от вандалов и ненавистных жучков.
Minus арки в том, что ее сможет установить не каждый дачник, без навыков каменщика. Также если ее построить на маленьком участке, рядом с небольшим домом, то это будет выглядеть очень смешно. Цена такой арки зависит от выбранного вами of the material для ее возведения.
Plastic arches
Plastic The garden arch is used by modern designers for interesting landscape ideas. Plastic compared to the same tree is a mere penny, it does not need to be painted, lubricated and perform any actions. As for the care, it is an ideal material that does not require any investment.
Of deficiencies: not all plastic arches can be kept outside all 365 days a year, most manufacturers save on plastic quality, and in the bitter cold it’s just becomes useless. For the time of winter you will have to bring the design into the house or a warm utility room. The second minus is the minimum color selectionor rather, the absence of such. Basically you can see the sale of white arches and all shades of white, for more imagination of manufacturers is not enough. The price of an average arch will vary around $ 150.
In addition to all the above garden arches, are very popular combined arches. In this case, it all depends on your desire and imagination. The bottom of such arches, as a rule, is strengthened with a stone, metal, plastic or wood comes from the middle. By the way, only metal is in good harmony with stone; plastic and wooden materials can only be used as small decorative elements.
Advantage Combined arches is that the stone or concrete foundation will stand for several decades despite the heat, hail or snow. A cheaper set you can change even every year.
Garden arch
Garden arch can decorate any piece of your cottage. We list the most popular options their use:
Near the wall of the house. Арка используется, чтобы полностью закрыть стену дома вьющимися растениями. Minus такого использования в том, что стена не будет просыхать под солнечным светом и в комнате образуется сырость. Деревянный дом от такой «красоты» быстро сгниет.
- Entrance to the plot.
- Recreation area. For example, a place where you can lie on a hammock, where the leaves of the vine are covered from the sun.
- Entrance to the house or veranda. In such cases, the arch is placed before the threshold.
- Division of a site into several zones. Many gardeners distinguish between a recreation area (barbecue, gazebo, hammock) and a working area where vegetables grow.
- Addition of garden sculpture.
Бесспорно, это не все options, где можно использовать садовые арки. Даже если вы ее поставите в центре участка и пустите по ней цветы, это все равно будет выглядеть очень оригинально.
Garden arch do it yourself
Most easy way, which can be used for the manufacture of the arch, is as follows: you need to find 15 meters of reinforcement, two pieces bend half an arc and attach one to the second, at the junction everything is good to brew.
Now we solder the legs to the edges of the arcs, and on the arcs themselves - vertical sticks of a small length. In the end, we should get a staircase, but bent in the form of an arch. It can serve a prop for plants or flowers.