Интерьеры нового ресторана на 85-м этаже башни «Око» — проект дизайнера Юны Мегре. Заведения высокой русской кухни — настоящий вызов, который принимают самые закаленные профи столицы. Ruski — часть совместного проекта, который затеяли сразу несколько рестораторов: Алексей и Дмитрий Васильчуки (холдинг RESTart: «Чайхона №1», Ploveberry, «Пиццелов»), Дмитрий Сергеев (Ginza Project), Илиодор Марач и Александр Кан («Никуда не едем», «Квартира», «Прожектор», K-Town Korean Kitchen, True Cost Bar & Grill).
An open kitchen with an eight-meter Russian stove is a unique element of the new restaurant. The interior of the Ruski restaurant is designed in the same color palette with gold-brass accents. The combination of common and hotel tables allows you to vary the seating of guests. Light transparent draperies allow you to separate the tables on the principle of cabinets and do not weigh down the space of the Ruski restaurant. It remains transparent. The light installation in the shape of the Firebird feather is the idea of the author of the interior, Yuny Megre. Day and evening Ruski looks different, but always very impressive. The variety of restaurant zones allows guests to choose the optimal meal format.
The location of the restaurant gives a unique view of the capital. The interiors of Ruski are built in such a way that in the center there is an open kitchen (the first Russian cuisine in this format), guest zones follow each other along the perimeter. Guests can completely go around the entire restaurant in a circle, enjoying the dizzying panorama of Moscow. Each of the four zones has a special image and atmosphere that correspond to the basic elements: kitchen zone - fire, icebar - water, stage hall - earth, banquet / vip hall - air. But they are all united light color. Brass, chrome and a spectacular interpretation of wood forms the unique style of the restaurant. In general, the interior looks like an avant-garde interpretation of Russian history.
На полу эффектное сочетание дерева в разной тонировке. Кресла с подлокотниками из карельской березы и шерстяной обивкой, «Алиандр Групп & Артленд Студия». Светильники Handle Studio. Brass and chrome constructions zone space, but leave it permeable. A table from brass with a table-top from agate. Comparison of textures makes the interior Ruski dynamic and unpredictable. Tables with rough edges imitating thick wood bark add natural brutality. Кресла с подлокотниками из карельской березы и шерстяной обивкой, «Алиандр Групп & Артленд Студия». Светильники — Handle Studio.