Every gardener wants to decorate his plot as best as possible so that all flower beds and plants have a complete look. Landscaping of the site is always quite time-consuming work, there are many options for decorating the garden, flower beds and flower beds. Usually, an integral element is a decorative fence, which is able to gather different types of plants and flowers into a single beautiful composition.
- 1 Variants of decorative fences
- 2 Do-it-yourself stone fence
- 3 Willow fencing
- 4 Snags as a material for the fence
- 5 wooden fence
- 6 Fences from scrap materials
- 7 Why so often create decorative fencing
Variants of decorative fences
Now in stores can be purchased great amount various fences. They may vary in material, color, shape, size and style. Types of decorative fences that can be found on store shelves:
Plastic fence, this option is very popular так как имеет невысокую стоимость, легко транспортируется и просто устанавливается. Кроме этого, можно найти great amount various options plastic fencing and different colors. In this area, every gardener will be able to find a suitable option if he is satisfied with the material.
- Metal fences and forged decorative fences look very elegant and beautiful but have a fairly high cost. Such a fence will serve for a long time, but not suitable for every type of plant.
- Decorative wooden fences can be purchased or created by hand, but they need to process special means that they are not subjected to rotting and decomposition. Such fences can be a great variety in style and appearance. The price of the bottom fence will depend directly on the quality of the material, manufacturing complexity and its processing.
- Barrier plastic tapes dig into the ground and perform root delay function. The roots of some plants grow too fast, then they resort to this variant of the fence, it restrains their growth and looks very neat. These tapes usually look like a thin strip, but may vary in color, size, shape of the protruding part.
- Decorative brick or stone can perform the role of the fence and will look very aesthetic. This option is not so costly, because sometimes materials can be found at hand, while doing simple enough and serves for many years without additional care. Decorative stones are fastened together with cement mortar, and large stones are pressed into the ground before a solid landing.
Many gardeners prefer do not spend money for the purchase of fences and decorative elements for their garden, so they use the materials that can be found in the house. There are many options for hand-made fences. from scrap materials who did not require to spend on themselves almost nothing.
Decorative fence do-it-yourself stone
The most durable and simple An option is considered to be a fence made of stones or bricks, it can be made easily, and a lot of material is not required. Decorative stones can be purchased at the store or take advantage of what will succeed find yourself. You can put them in one row, make a two-tier flowerbed or more.
To make your site mysterious and surprise everyone around you can be purchased in the store glowing paint (fluorescent). If you cover her fence, then at nightfall it will be muffled glow and in the afternoon to charge from the sun.
If it is decided to protect a flower bed with bricks, then most often dig into the ground on one corner. So they perfectly support each other, and does not require additional fastening. In this case also can not be limited one tier or create additional design elements in the form of painting or any decor.
Willow fencing
Very original and beautiful fencing can be created from wicker webs. Along the perimeter of the flower bed, it is necessary to insert wooden stakes that will support the weaving, the more often the better. Create such a fence need fast pick up the branches of willow, clean them from the bark and immediately begin installation.
Work begins from the rear edge beds, each branch braids pins alternating, according to the principle of weaving a basket. The best thing knock them with a hammer so that the rods lay down as closely as possible to each other, and the tips of the branches are nailed to the pegs.
Snags as a material for the fence
Natural material is always looks very beautiful especially in its environment. Some gardeners may like a flower bed, surrounded by twisted tree trunks. The peculiarity of such a structure is that a fence is first created from peeled from the bark of pigs, then the inner space is covered with earth and plants are planted.
Creating a fence of twisted tree trunks after planting flowers can be quite problematic, since form the material invariable. The wood is best treated with a special solution so that it lasts as long as possible.
Wooden fence
You can independently and quickly create a fence from the boards, you just need to cut them same size process and hammer at the right distance. Here fantasy is also not limited to anything, it can be make any shape height and color, it all depends on the desire.
The second option of wooden fencing are unearned churches. They can be easily cut out of logs, freed from bark and protected from rotting. That the fence was smooth, first dug groove of the same depth Along the perimeter of the flower bed, logs are installed, fall asleep and well tamped. If good protect wood from moisture, this fence, like any other, can stand for more than ten years.
Fences from scrap materials
- Old houses are accumulated in every house disc plates, spoiled music and game discs. From this material can make a kind of fence, which will cost is free and decorate the plot with glitter in the sunlight. The discs must be fastened together, this can be done imperceptibly with a fishing line or, conversely, with a beautiful ribbon or chain. The main thing is not to bind at once a lot of disks, since they will need to be fixed on hammered pegs, and too heavy construction will sag. The best option is considered 5−7 disks in one chain, you can fix them in several rows, then the fence will be higher and more noticeable.
- Instead of disks, you can use regular glass plates, but sometimes it is problematic to find a lot of unnecessary dishes of the same style and size. If there is such a set in the house, then it is possible to create a fence of them, slightly stuck in the ground and installing a support behind.
- Very often for fencing flower gardens use glass or plastic the bottle. The first option is much stronger and looks more aesthetically pleasing. It is best to put sand in the bottles and drip them down the neck. For a single composition, the fence can be painted or left as it is, if all the elements are of the same color and look quite beautiful.
Why so often create decorative fencing
Now such flowerbeds can be found in almost every garden and around any private house or cottage. Gardeners decorate as much as possible planted plants protect their plots. Functions of the garden fence for flower beds:
- the creation of a beautiful appearance, the same fence organizes a single style of the entire site;
- fence protects flowers from animals, weeds and other external influences;
- the plot has a very well-groomed appearance and is intelligently divided into several zones.
There may be other reasons for creating decorative fences. Most often, gardeners make their own, so do not be afraid of experimenting use existing materials, show imagination and originality. The fence can always be modified, partially redo or even change to another.