Shelzon был изобретен в 20-х годах прошлого века во Франции и в переводе означает «длинный стул». За прошедшее время шезлонги прошли длинный путь развития. До сих пор ни один вид садовой мебели не может сравниться с ними по стилю, мобильности и легкости монтажа. Рассмотрим подробнее разновидности конструкций садовых шезлонгов и технологию их изготовления.
Shelzon является простым, функциональным, mobileм и незаменимым атрибутом для дачного отдыха. В нем удобно отдыхать в тени садовых деревьев у искусственного водоема или размещать неожиданных гостей. Их конструкция позволяет в случае необходимости быстро их собрать, при этом они занимают немного места. Кроме того, правильно выбранный шезлонг позволяет emphasize style garden plot, it harmoniously fits into the backyard interior. For example, wooden chaise lounges blend harmoniously with the natural environment and serve as an excellent complement to the landscape of the garden plot.
- 1 Benefits of a garden lounger
- 2 Varieties of garden lounge chairs
- 3 Tools and materials for the manufacture of sun loungers
- 4 technology facilities loungers
Advantages of a garden chaise lounge
For the manufacture of garden loungers used natural wood, plastic and aluminum. Each of these types of lounge chairs has its own benefits.
Due to its distinctive characteristics and design, garden lounge chairs made of different materials have a number of undeniable advantages:
- the possibility of being in a half-sitting or half-lying position, which ensures maximum relaxation;
- due to the lightness of the material for the manufacture of the chaise lounge (aluminum, plastic, wood) and the simplicity of the design, they are sufficient mobile and make it easy to move them from place to place;
- when folded, they have small dimensions, which greatly facilitates their storage;
- Folding loungers can be used as benches for rest;
- provide the possibility of sunbathing;
- modern garden lounge chairs possess durability and a long period of operation;
- differ high aesthetic characteristics;
- not afraid of moisture and temperature changes;
- not affected microorganisms;
- may have a different shape and include armrests, footrests and water;
- high strength (easily withstand a person weighing more than 100 kg).
Varieties of garden lounge chairs
Depending on the design, there are several types of garden lounge chairs:
monolithic. Это конструкция, где все элементы жестко соединены между собой. Для таких шезлонгов характерны high strength и способность выдерживать большую нагрузку. Однако они имеют и существенные недостатки: невозможность изменения угла наклона спинки, он не складываем и тяжело перемещается с места на место;
- monolithic with inserts. The presence of additional elements made of various materials, makes such chaise lounges neater and aesthetic, gives them additional decoration;
- portable. Due to the presence of special mechanisms, you can quickly change their overall configuration, the tilt of the backrest, head restraint and footrest. Such a chaise lounge easily folds into a compact design, which is convenient when transporting it;
- chaise lounge on a metal base. They are distinguished by the presence of an aluminum frame on which a durable fabric web is attached. They are distinguished by low weight, mobility, compactness and resistance to various contaminants.
Tools and materials for the manufacture of sun loungers
The most common material for self-manufacturing lounger is natural wood. The following tools and materials are necessary for its manufacture:
- electric drill and drill bit set for wood;
- disk power saw;
- roulette;
- marker;
- square;
- screwdriver;
- rasp;
- sandpaper;
- putty wood;
- planed boards;
- wooden bars;
- brass screws or screws;
- bolts, washers and nuts for fastening.
Chaise Lounge Technology
Any person who has certain skills in handling carpentry tools is able to build a deck chair, since its design is not much different from a garden bench. Most often the chaise lounge is made of natural wood.
Work begins with building durable frame, which will require two longitudinal planks 190–220 cm long and two transverse widths of 50–70 cm. The boards are thoroughly polished and covered with a protective layer (varnish or stain), which will further protect it from the effects of external conditions.
To give the structure the necessary rigidity, the longitudinal and transverse boards are rigidly interconnected. Formed the so-called frame chaise longue.
For the manufacture of the seats the board is cut into uniform bars 50–70 cm long (10–14 pcs.) and attached with a self-tapping screw to the deckchair frame in 1 cm increments.
Spinka lounger it is made so that it can enter into the frame of the chaise longue and still need to remain small gaps between the frame and the backrest. The boards on the backrest frame are fixed with screws along its entire length. To give aesthetics backrest, it is desirable to round off the upper edge of the plates.
Для закрепления спинки шезлонга к его каркасу используются отверстия, расположенные на расстоянии 8−10 см от края the seats. Спинка фиксируется с помощью шпилек к двум сторонам каркаса, а уровень ее наклона регулируется с помощью special support beam. One end of this beam rests against the headboard of the back, and the other is inserted into the grooves of the special rail attached to the frame of the chaise lounge. There should be about four such grooves (define a different angle of inclination of the back).
Finally, the whole structure is sanded. sandpaper and covered with the appropriate paint.
The second method of making a lounge chair is based on the use of aluminum frame и крепкой ткани (брезент). Для этого две трапеции соединяются с помощью перекладин длиной 60 см. Одна из них соединяет два верхних угла трапеций (там крепится верх ткани the seats), другая — два нижних угла (спинка шезлонга). Третья перекладина соединяет самые верхние углы маленькой части трапеции и на нее крепится низ the seats. Сидением обычно служит кусок крепкой ткани длиной 150 см и шириной 60 см. Детали шезлонга крепятся с помощью metal corners or spikes.
If desired, you can build an awning canopy over the head of a seated person, which is attached to the back of the deck chair. The canopy geometry can have a wide variety of sizes depending on desire.