У этого растения есть целые клубы ценителей, и это справедливо. Armenia — цветок красивый, прекрасно сочетающийся с любым ландшафтом и не требующий каких-то исключительных условий при выращивании в саду или на дачном участке.
- 1 Types and varieties of Armeria
- 1.1 Alpine
- 1.2 Beautiful
- 1.3 Seaside
- 1.4 Soddy
- 2 Using a flower in landscape design
- 2.1 Photo: use of an army in landscape design - ideas for inspiration
- 3 Landing
- 3.1 Seedless way
- 3.2 Seedling method
- 3.3 Video: Secrets of Armeria Landing
- 4 Care
- 4.1 Watering
- 4.2 Top dressing
- 4.3 Trimming
- 4.4 Wintering
- 5 Reproduction
- 6 Diseases and pests
- 7 reviews
Types and varieties of Armeria
No wonder that an army is called a wild bearded carnation, there is a certain similarity.
It is also called the sea flower, since it is the sea coast, even the rocky one, that serves this culture as a fertile medium for growth.
There are a great many varieties of it, about 90. But in Russia, certain famous varieties are especially popular.

Under natural conditions, the alpine army lives on mountain slopes and is compact in size.
This perennial culture is very common here. Gentle pink flowers are combined with landscape design with almost any neighbors in the world of gardening. A short stem up to 15 cm tall with long peduncles up to 30 cm allows using this species as decorative borders. There are varieties with white (Alba), carmine-pink (Rosea) and carmine-red (Laucheana) flowers.

Beautiful armeria хорошо смотрится не только в кусте, но и при одиночном выращивании
The species is considered evergreen, the leaves easily overwinter under snow. The plant reaches a height of 40 cm with rosettes of leaves and inflorescences of white (Joystick White), bright pink (Bees Ruby) and even red flowers (red planet). It blooms from early to late summer. Other names for this species are Louisiana, pseudo-armeria.

Some varieties of seaside armies are distinguished by the color of both flowers and leaves.
This view is one of the most popular, great for stony gardens and the surrounding of artificial ponds and waterfalls. It grows along the sea coasts. Differs in the increased drought resistance. Bred with white (Alba, Cotton Tail), pink (Rosea Compacta), red (Vindictive), dark red (düsseldorfer stolz, Bloodstone) flowers.

In nature, the turfy artery is found in the mountains at an altitude of 3000 m
Perhaps the only type of Armeria that winter, even warm, without help, does not tolerate, the bushes need to be covered for the cold period. But in the summer the plant can bloom so abundantly that it is not even visible foliage. Known varieties with terry purple (Brno) and pale pink (Bevan’s Variety) flowers.
The use of flower in landscape design
The culture is almost perfect for alpine slides and rock gardens. Everywhere, where there are cracks in the stone, the army can be planted, and the combination of gray and cold stone with bright double flowers will always be successful.
Armeria can often be surrounded by artificial reservoirs, grounds for a relaxing holiday, bordering beds of other cultures. In flowerbeds, the plant successfully coexists with the Carpathian bell and creeping phloxes.
Armeria inflorescences on long peduncles, cut before blooming and dried, are used to create winter bouquets of dried flowers.
Photo: use of an army in landscape design - ideas for inspiration
- With a tight landing of the Armeria, a carpet is formed, which blooms can last from May to September
- Armenia эффектно смотрится среди почвокровных растений на газонах вдоль тропинок
- Low lush bushes of the army look great and like single elements
- Armeria is well combined with sedums, saxifrage, creeping thyme, low phloxes, sprat
- Different types of armeria are used to border flower beds.
- Almost all varieties of Armeria remarkably take root in the crevices between the stones.
- An ideal place for planting a turfy Armeria is the eastern slope of the alpine slide, where it will be provided with sufficient shade and good drainage.
- Armenia — одно из лучших растений для создания яркого цветочного бордюра
- Often the army is planted on the edge of artificial reservoirs.

Armeria breeds well by self seeding.
Like many similar cultures, the army can be planted in the open ground with seedlings or seeds.
Seedless way
Seed-planted plants are more viable, but do not always emerge after autumn planting.
To plant flower seeds should be in early spring or late autumn.
Autumn planting is preferable, since during the winter period the plant becomes fully adapted to the growing conditions. But it is beneficial only in the southern climate. Even in moderate sprouts may die due to return frosts.
For planting seeds, do the following:
- First, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil in the form of peat or humus.
- If the soil contains a lot of lime, it is poured over diluted acetic acid.
- Seeds are planted in the wells at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
- After falling asleep the wells are watered with warm water.
- On top of the flower bed or bed sprinkled with small pebbles or stones.
Seedling method

Shoots of Armeria appear within 2-3 weeks
This method of planting is particularly suitable for the seaside variety:
- Seeds are sown in a nutrient solution for several hours before planting.
- About a week before the procedure, the ground is crushed, organic is introduced.
- Landing is made in peat pots.
- Planted sparsely, seeds have good germination.
- When two leaves appear, sprouts are seated.
- Watering should not be abundant, but moisture should be constantly present.
- Before planting, it is recommended to put the pots on the balcony, loggia, into the yard during the day so the sprouts will be hardened.
- Planting in the open ground is made at the end of May, preferably on sunny areas, it is better not to plant flowers near the fences.