apartment (150 m2) in Moscow

A photo: Alexey Knyazev
Text: Danila Gulyaev
Architect: Zhanna Kochurova, Евгения Фурменкова
Construction Manager: Andrey Tolstoy
Magazine: (107)
- The customers of this project are people of active, dynamic lifestyle, very modern, sophisticated in interior design. As an architect, I love classic interiors, but here I felt that people with such a dynamic lifestyle need eclecticism, a combination of different styles. It seems to me that this is an urgent trend: now the majority of interior customers are at a loss when choosing one particular style, be it classic, minimalism or postmodern luxury. The point here is not only in styles as such, but also in the natural desire to preserve the best features of the old way of life. People are drawn to the elephants on the dressers, to the grandmother’s carpets and dressers, but they also understand that the interior must be concise, with air, and this is already a sphere of minimalism. Here it is the eclecticism that helps out, within the framework of which everything can be combined, - it allows you to keep the tradition of patriarchalism, but without loss of relevance and functionality.
SALON: Are there any rules, canons of an eclectic interior?
- Now a difficult period for architecture and design is transitional, because nothing fundamentally new, peculiar to the 21st century, has yet appeared, and people find themselves in a mix of styles of the past. Any eclectic is the credibility of the author. When combining the incompatible interior obeys only the author's taste, the classical laws do not work here. There are no laws of eclecticism, man creates them within himself, they are not always explicable even for himself. The interior is ready only when the last carpet is laid, the last picture is hung, the last dot or dot is put. Only then can one judge whether it worked or not. But when the interior is made by one person, it is always debatable, and in general eclecticism is by definition a controversial thing. Here the author’s personality is embodied in everything in this mix. Ask any modern architect how he works - he is probably guided not by some speculative laws, but mainly by taste and intuition.
S: What and what did you mix with when working on this interior?
- I took the extreme manifestations of the main modern styles: minimalism with its characteristic exposing of structures, the classical order system, as well as postmodern techniques that are relevant now. For example, in a public area, the wall was made entirely of marble. The column appeared in the living room because it was necessary to constructively complete the part of the room in which the winter garden was later arranged. I didn’t want to use modern architectural means, because here the rack-and-beam system itself suggested itself, and I decided to give the tradition and softness to the interior.
In this space there is an equilibrium of styles, in which neither of them suppresses the other. A cast concrete shelf adjoins the Ionic pillar - it separates the living room and the winter garden. Eclecticism is emphasized by cutting-edge details, such as a technologically advanced halogen light. And here very cozy patriarchal details were used - a silk carpet, a collection of antique teapots. It seems that this interior has existed for a long time, and eclecticism has a natural origin - as if the old building is overgrown with new objects, as is often the case with the Italians, who wonderfully know how to install all the attributes of modernity in a classic background.
Customer opinion“In this apartment we have been living for almost a year now. We’re not the first apartment and not the first work with the architect