The country site or a country house always needs a large number of the additional equipment. The heating boiler, branch chopper, electric generator and much more will provide care for the site and bring comfort to the life of the villagers. But there is another category of devices, of which at least one, but there is at each cottage or in a country house - these are water pumps. It is about these devices and will be discussed in this article.
- 1 What are water pumps used for?
- 2 Water lifting devices
- 3 Other types of water pumps
- 4 As a conclusion
What are water pumps used for?
Modern life in country houses today is almost impossible to imagine without water pumps. Similar devices are used when transporting water and filing it with pressure. The scope of water pumps includes:
Watering garden and garden plants;
- Ensuring water supply in the autonomous water supply network;
- For fire safety needs;
- Ensuring the pumping of water (including with the content of solid particles) from reservoirs, basements and other areas subjected to flooding;
- Pumping various liquids or creating the necessary pressure in the systems;
- For the operation of the drainage system.
Water pumps are often used even in those country houses, where there is a central water supply. In rural areas in such communications often do not have the necessary pressure. To not wait until a trickle of tap fills your bucket or other container, you can install a special water pump. Such a device will create the desired water pressure in the water supply.
By their functionality, such units can be divided into three main categories:
- Water lifting. Such devices are necessary for raising water from any source and delivering it to a water supply or other network;
- Circulating. Similar products are used for pumping liquids or creating pressure (pressure) in various household (and not only) systems;
- Drainage is a separate category of device that is used for pumping fluids from various bodies of water, ditches or rooms subject to flooding. In this case, water may contain various solid impurities.
More on each species will be discussed in the following chapters. But in addition to its functional accessories, the pumps are divided by fuel used.
The most common are electrical devices. These are for the most part water-lifting and drainage pumps. And if we are talking about circulation, then there is no other alternative, how to eat electricity.
There are pumps that run on liquid fuel. These are often used for pumping or pumping fluid from open ponds or tanks. Devices running on gasoline or diesel fuel have two main advantages. Firstly, their power is significantly higher than that of electrical analogues. Secondly, they do not depend on the availability of nearby electrical networks, which makes them more mobile.
Water lifting devices
The most popular in the summer cottage and in a country house are water-lifting pumps. Such devices are used and for watering the garden or garden, and for water supply in an autonomous water supply system, and for many other needs.
It is possible to find water-lifting pumps of the following types on sale:
- Vortex;
- Vibrating;
- Centrifugal;
- Manual.
Swirl or vacuum pump is not used as often. The principle of operation of such a device is to create a vacuum by rotating a flat disk. Water falling on the blades is pushed into the pipeline.
The vortex water pump for the garden and a private house has one definite plus - it’s work stability even with a large number of air bubbles in the pumped liquids. This feature can not boast of any other similar device. But there is also a minus in a vortex pump - it is sensitive to solid particles in water. This feature does not allow it to be widely used for installation on the well.
The principle of operation of the vibration pump is that as a result of the supply and disconnection of power, the armature moves. This part pushes the piston. Such movements occur up to 100 times per second, as a result, the piston rather “vigorously” pushes water into the pipeline. Many truckers such a device is very popular, this is due to the lack of an electric motor. But the simpler the technique, the longer it will work.
The most common water pumps can be considered centrifugal. In such systems, the engine, which can be both electric and liquid fuel, rotates the impeller. As a result of this rotation creates a centrifugal force, which pushes the water into the pipeline.
Centrifugal water pumps are used in almost all systems. For example, a submersible pump is used to pump water from a well and feed it into the water supply system. And for pumping water from the reservoir, you can use a submersible or surface unit.
Manual water pumps for giving and the private house (or a pomp) are the simplest and inexpensive device. In order to siphon the fluid you need to make a physical effort. This feature makes these pumps are not as common as all of the above.
Other types of water pumps
But not only water-lifting pumps are used in the country or in a country house. Similar units are needed to pump water from one place to another. In this case, the liquid should be as clean as possible. But there are other tasks associated with pumping water. For these purposes use the following devices:
Circulating. Such a device is indispensable for heating systems. The pump is mounted in special branches of the pipeline (bypass) and with its work it provides circulation of the coolant in the system. The bypass is necessary so that the heating operation does not stop when the power supply is disconnected. Such devices work almost silently and consume little energy. In addition to the heating system, circulation units are used in forced ventilation;
- Drainage. Such devices are capable of pumping liquids with a high content of solid elements. Drainage pumps are indispensable when pumping water from the storm sewer system, as well as when draining accumulated sewage from septic tanks and drain holes. Very often, such devices are equipped with a special device - a grinder. Such an "addition" allows you to safely deal with liquids that come across rather large solid elements;
Drainage pumps sometimes called fecal, remembering their use when pumping sewage from drain holes and septic tanks.
As a conclusion
No summer cottage or a private house can do without various water pumps. Such devices are used for irrigation, and for providing residents with drinking water, and for the operation of the sewage system, etc. In each case, their own type of device is used, but their main task remains unchanged - this pumping liquids. It does not matter what quality water. For water supply, you can use water-lifting devices, and for the sewage system - drainage or faecal. In any case, it is impossible to do without such devices.