Часть двора, на котором расположен flower bed, деревья, кусты, называется палисадник. Для оформления палисадника нужно как следует подготовиться, так как он является зеркалом двора и притягивает взгляды гостей дома. Чтобы его обустроить, используют разные виды цветов, кустарников, деревьев. Возле него располагают садовую мебель, детские площадки, водоемы. Palisadnik — это место для воплощения самых разных дизайнерских решений.
- 1 Key features of front gardens and their types
- 2 What plants will help to give the front aesthetic appearance
- 3 What you need to consider when arranging the front garden
- 4 How to start working on the design of the front garden
- 5 Ideas for a front garden
- 6 The stages of design a front garden do it yourself
Key features of front gardens and their types
By constructive design, front gardens are divided into closed, open, covered and formal. Open front gardens most often small. And those who have a large territory, are divided into zones, separating them by various obstacles. The design of the front garden with a pond is determined individually by the degree of openness, taking into account the location of the house, how the territory is planted, the intensity of traffic on the street. An open front garden is a beautiful picture that can be viewed from a distance or close. From the side of the road, such a front garden should look immaculately and represent cropped bushes, smooth beautiful lawns, and strict lines of hedges.
Closed front garden is designed in such a way that its attractive side is oriented to the house. Closed front garden It is best to have if the house is located near the road with heavy traffic, which will provide an opportunity to protect the house from dust and noise.
Covered - is a lawn, separated on the sides by live fences consisting of prickly kinds of bushes. These can be rose hips, gooseberries, barberries or hawthorn bushes.
Formal garden arrange, if there is no place for planting flowers, and the entrance area is drawn up with various plants planted in containers.
What plants will help to give the front aesthetic appearance
The aesthetic appearance of the front garden depends on the choice of plants, your taste and the style of the house. To the front garden had an aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to choose the right plants. For spring you can plant bulbous plants (daffodils, tulips). In addition to plants that bloom in summer (peonies, poppies), do not forget about the autumn types of flowers (roses, lilies). Flowering shrubs will give a beautiful view: budley, hawthorn, dogrose. Climbing plants will decorate the wall of the house. For gardening the front garden in winter, you can plant spruce, thuja or juniper. The plants used for the front garden perform three functions:
- decorative - decoration of the yard;
- ecological - beneficial effect on the soil;
- economic - Many plants bear fruit and have medicinal properties.
What you need to consider when arranging the front garden
- Functionality. Arranging the front garden, you must consider its functionality. For example, besides plants and decorative elements, one could place a recreation area or a playground, bicycle or car parking, without disturbing the aesthetics of the front garden. Together with flowers in the front garden you can plant fruit and berry bushes.
Needs of plants. It is important to determine the location of the front garden, in the shade or in the sun, as the selection of plants takes into account soil conditions and light.
- Proper use of space. For competent use of small space, there are some techniques for perceiving an increase in the area of the territory in which the design of the front garden will look great. Beautiful rose bushes and well-groomed evergreen shrubs at the entrance will decorate the interior. You can decorate the front garden with climbing plants that take up little space. When arranging a front garden, it is important to determine "Focal point" that is, an extraordinary beautiful shrub or some exquisite plant that will attract the eye of others.
For the effect of completeness of the idea, the main element of the front garden should be equipped with supporting or additional elements.
How to start working on the design of the front garden
The design of the plot near the house always begins with the layout, where the wishes of the owner of the house are taken into account, not forgetting the size of the front garden. The size of the front garden must be equal to the size of the house. But the best option is if the area set aside for the front garden does not exceed 2/3 of the height of the house. Planted bushes near the walls of the house should not be above the cap.
Outline of the palisadian resembles a valley with a walkway that leads to the porch. Outline can be surrounded by high-growing plants. Good looks like a front garden in the form of a circle or a square with bushes planted around the perimeter. To close the blank wall of the house, you can use the crowns of planted trees - spruce or thuja. Bare patches formed after planting young trees should be covered with mulch, the flowers on this background look great.
Front Garden Ideas
When choosing an idea for a front garden, consider house architecture near which it will be located. For example, a wooden garden of bells and daisies can be located near a wooden log cabin. Around the house, a magnificent view create a thuja and spruce, and for the mansions built in European style - well-groomed flat lawns and trimmed bushes.
Lined track rectangular tilesas well as planted flowers blooming in blue (garden geranium, sage), flowerpots in rectangular pots, trees (nightshade, laurel tree) and a beautiful comfortable bench will create a laconic design that fits the modern home.
Who does not want to care for a grass lawn, use a great idea - pour gravel in the front garden Replace the grass with colored gravel, and plants planted in pots, place it directly on it.
Unusual design option site is flower bed, decorated in a rustic style, where you can land the early and late varieties of peony. After them dahlias and daisies bloom, as well as a flower garden decorated with autumn flowers: chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations.
Can equip front garden with sunflowers. A wooden blue fence and wildflowers (daisies, cornflowers, poppies), a path paved with stone will be a good complement.
If you prefer the modern style, you can plant a fern or coniferous shrubs;
We should not forget about planting trees that provide shade and comfort in the courtyard. Since the space of the front garden has limitations, it is necessary to plant trees with an unbranched root system (Norway maple, false acacia), so as not to damage the covering of the yard. For beautiful winter landscape in the center of the courtyard, you can plant a blue spruce or evergreen boxwood. The spring period of flowering will be decorated with early garden flowers, such as snowdrops, crocuses, early tulip varieties.
The stages of design a front garden do it yourself
Первым этапом обустройства палисадника является изгородь, отделяющая участок от улицы и соседей. Затем необходимо проложить дорожки, дренажные канавки для вывода стока воды, разбить газон и обозначить границы клумб, flower bedов.
The next stage of arrangement is planting shrubs, trees, selected plants for the front garden. First you need to land large plants, then move on to plant smaller plants, filling the front garden before the end of the conceived idea.
Обустроить палисадник на участке перед своим домом сможет каждый его владелец. Palisadnik получится красивым, привлекательным, если его тщательно продумать и спланировать. Итак, включайте все свои творческие фантазии и обустраивайте территорию перед домом, которая будет служить вам seating area, cheer up and be a mirror of your home ownership. To make everything necessary, only your desire.