Choosing a pump to give

Pump to giveEvery year everyone eagerly awaits the coming of summer in order to move to the country. But always and everywhere one has to face these or other problems, and giving is not an exception. Specifically, I would like to touch on the topic of water supply in the suburban areas.

Благодаря, тому, что наука не стоит на месте, и всегда появляются новые технологии, можно избежать нежелательных трудностей и проблем. В данном случае, нам на помощь придут водяные насосы. They нам помогут и в ситуации с бытовыми стоками, с канализацией и с поливом грядок.


  • 1 Pump selection factors
  • 2 Types of pumps
    • 2.1 Whirling
    • 2.2 Centrifugal with one step system (single impeller)
    • 2.3 Multistage (several wheels)
    • 2.4 Self-priming
    • 2.5 Liquid Ring
    • 2.6 Portable (portable) pumps and others
    • 2.7 Submersible pumps

Pump selection factors

At the moment, in the markets and shops there huge selection various pumps, in this regard, we are faced with the question: “how to make the right choice and not lose money?” so that the price suits and, accordingly, the product is of high quality and reliable. Now we consider the factors that need to be considered when choosing this equipment:

  • in which sphere it (the pump) will be applied;
  • the place from which water will be pumped;
  • it is necessary to take into account the type of water (strongly or moderately polluted, clean, with impurities, etc.);
  • the characteristic of this model (dimensions, how economically consumes electricity, as well as how much sound makes when working).

Types of pumps

Stand out two types of pumps: submersible and surface. Consider the superficial first.


Pumps to giveThis pump is operated only when working with clean water, which in its chemical composition is safe for this model. Their advantage is that they easy to use, practical in operation and reliable.

It works according to the following scheme: when the pump is in operating mode, the so-called “vortex formation” occurs in it, which leads to the conversion of mechanical energy into potential energy. These pumps have an impeller, and therefore the water that enters it through the suction inlet, due to centrifugal force, passes to the hole through which it goes to the place we need. This model of the pump has a strong pressure.

Also to the indisputable advantages of this pump model is the fact that, with inconsistent use, wheel jamming is prevented due to an extraordinary design. In order for the pump to serve you for a long time, we do not advise you to engage in the transfer of fluid with solid particles.

Centrifugal with one speed system (single impeller)

Эта модель также предназначена для работы с чистой и безвредной по своему составу водой для материала насоса. Эти насосы практически бесшумны в работе, у них достаточно надежная конструкция, и что особенно хорошо, она приспособлена к большим и длительным нагрузкам. They хороши и при поливе дачи.

These pumps are not installed outdoors, since they are not protected from the effects of the atmosphere.

Multistage (several wheels)

They характеризуются теми же свойствами, которые мы до этого перечислили у предыдущей модели; это касается и работы, и нагрузки и воды, а также установки. Дополнить можно только тем, что его рекомендуется использовать в тех случаях, когда вам нужен хороший, strong water pressure, since this model has several (multi-printing) impellers, in connection with which it is able to provide maximum water pressure.


Pump to giveThese pumps also interact with water, which is chemically safe for the materials that make up this pump.

They economical and easy to operate, although they have a fairly high level of performance. They are used mainly in the national economy. Due to the fact that they are made of high quality materials, they will last a long time.

Their installation is also recommended in enclosed spaces, in order to avoid atmospheric exposure.

Liquid ring

Such pumps interact with water that is chemically safe for the materials that make up this pump. This model is special in that it has the ability to pump water with fuel oil, fuel (diesel), air and other gases. They have an open radial blade equipped with a brass wheel (working). The blades are designed in such a way that even as a result of a long idle time they will not jam.

Their installation is also recommended in enclosed spaces, in order to avoid atmospheric exposure.

Portable (portable) pumps and others

Hand pumpThis pump is operated only when working with clean water, which in its chemical composition will be safe for this model.

It is easy to use, has a compact size, it also has a small weight, which makes it convenient to carry. Such models (portable) are very convenient to give.

All these models are used for pumping clean water, as well as chemically safe liquids. Self-priming and liquid ring pumps differ from others in that they are has the ability pump water with bubbles. Pumps of this type are located on the surface (do not descend into the water).

Portable (переносные) насосы очень удобны в эксплуатации, когда нужно вывозить их за город. They имеют небольшие размеры и вес, потребление электрической энергии не высоко, спокойно можно переносить его с одного места на другое.

Submersible pumps

Submersible pumps include:

  • borehole;
  • well;
  • fecal;
  • drainage.

Pumps to giveWith the help of these pumps it is possible to lift water from ponds, wells, wells and other reservoirs. These kinds of pumps work silently, therefore they are very convenient for installation at the dacha. Submersible pumps have excellent performance and good pressure, they can also be used for irrigation and irrigation.

In order to pick up pumpyou need to know the approximate depth for loading the pump into the well and how much water you need per hour. It is advisable to entrust these questions to specialists.

For disposal of sewage serves drainage pump, it is easy to use, usually the material of manufacture is stainless steel and these pumps serve for a long time. Fecal pumps must pump liquid containing suspended solids on average up to 50 mm.

You can also install pumping stations, which will be perfectly suited in the country, for the implementation of such type of work as irrigation, irrigation, maintaining pressure for all appliances and good water pressure for the cottage or house itself. The price of such stations depends on the configuration.

When choosing a pump, it is best to contact experienced professionals and trust companies that are known throughout the world and have good reviews of pumping stations from consumers.