Na-Deco studio designers have designed an apartment in the city of Hohhot, the administrative center of Inner Mongolia. The autonomous region on the border with the Mongolian People's Republic occupies 12% of the territory of China and surpasses France and Germany in size by area. Among the 25 million people living, the Mongols constitute a national minority.
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The owners of these apartments are Mongolian artists, obsessed with the idea of preserving their authentic culture absorbed by the Chinese mainstream. They dreamed that national roots could be felt in their home - this was the main requirement that they put forward before the designers of Na-Deco studio. The second condition: the layout should not be subject to major changes.

Based on the two main landmarks, the Na-Deco participants decided to create a luxurious space that combines urban comfort with peculiar aesthetics. The inspiration was the work of sculptor Richard Serra. Rounded partitions not only zoning the living room, but also add luxury and artistry, creating the feeling that you are moving through the art gallery.

However, if Serra used the oxidized metal, here the designers preferred the finish of metallized tiles. Soft green, rich blue, gray ornamental tile floor make the golden walls look powerful and convincing.

The interior features exhibits from the owners' collection of the apartment: a century-old jug for wine, brass stirrups, and antique china - the heritage of an ancient civilization. There are sculptures by the owners of the house. Furniture and works of art were chosen according to the principle of contrast between the old and the new. Each object interacts with its neighbors, modern Mongolia enters into a dialogue with ancient history and the Chinese mainstream. The language of modern design helps to revive the past.

Na-Deco — молодая китайская студия, ее основали три года назад Чжань Юфан и Ха Да (Zhang Yufan & Ha Da). Отец Ха Да — известный в регионе скульптор, мать Юфан — танцовщица. Однако молодые люди не пошли по стопам родителей, а поступили в университет на факультет администрирования, где и познакомились. Потом поженились.

They were bound by love for each other - as well as for interior design. Inspired by the history of their relationships, young designers try to bring more emotions into their projects, to make sure that “chemistry” emerged between the objects. They intelligently interpret the relationship of old and new. In projects, they diligently avoid what is called the "oriental flavor": "Oriental design is not necessarily ascetic, it can be sexy, intriguing."