Self-taught photographer Hendrik Kerstens (Hendrik Kerstens) is a master of a unique genre. He received worldwide recognition thanks to the portraits of a beautiful daughter.
+ By topic: Photographer Erwin Olaf at an exhibition in Moscow
The pictures of Paula, as they matured, acquired a new context, engaging in dialogue with the famous masterpieces of Dutch painting. For achievements in the field of contemporary portrait in 2008, Kerstens was awarded the Taylor Wessing Award at the National Portrait Gallery of London, and he became the darling of fashion luster and gallery owners in New York and Boston.
Silhouettes of hats and collars, which adorn a pale pink girlish face, resemble historical costumes of the 17th century, but are made of pop art symbols: plastic bags, napkins, aluminum cans, nylon tights, film with air bubbles ... Strange and modest means the image in the photo accurately conveys both the "Portrait of a Young Lady" by Petrus Christus and the "Girl with a Pearl Earring" by Jan Vermeer.
People's Day (для Harper's Bazaar), 2013 и Cellophane, 2014“Once you could be either an artist or a photographer ... But, the borders have disappeared, and it is very easy to take a step to the right or maybe to the left. This is fascinating in our time. ”
Dutch Art&Design — выставка в Женеве в Музее истории швейцарского зарубежья (Musée des Suisses dans le Monde) представила в сентябре 2016 четырех героев модного интерьера. Их имена Хендрик Керстенс (Hendrik Kerstens), Юрген Бей (Studio Makkink & Bey), Йорис Ларман (Joris Laarman) и, конечно, Maрсель Вандерс (Marсel Wanders). Голландский дизайн представлен кураторами в нескольких амплуа — мастером мутаций и коконов (Ю. Бей), ярким представителем barocco dijital (М. Вандерс), пионером 3D-принтинга (Й. Ларман) и гламурным фотографом, который размышляет о люксе, искусстве и чрезмерном потреблении.