The famous designer of his love for the tree

Text: Olga Korotkova
A photo: Olga Korotkova, - пресс-служб
Magazine: N5 (160) 2011
Terry Dwan told our magazine about her love for wood: “I grew up in America. And although I have been married to an Italian for a very long time, I am still an American. Everything is completely different here! In order to start building or building on another floor of an Italian suburb, you have to think a hundred times what the neighbors will say. In America, it's not like that. It is spacious, windy and very far from the nearest neighbor. I grew up in a forest, on a ranch, among huge trees. I still miss the huge forest trees. Therefore, when I was invited to participate in the project Le Briccole di Venezia, I was happy. The essence of the project is that sometimes Venetian oak piles, which are berths for gondolas, sometimes have to be changed. These ancient piles, which have been spent at sea for many, many years, have decided to use as a material for art objects. I made the console of the piles, almost completely retaining their shape. The consoles for me symbolize the five elements - according to Aristotle: water, air and fire left their “notes” on the trunks, and the earth and the sky - from which these piles-moorings came. I was always interested in creating things for the brand.